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Embedded Intel® Core™ Processors
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Embedded Menlow XL bring-up with BLDK


What are the steps that the BLDK BIOS takes on initialization? We are bringing up and Embedded Menlow XL platform. The only output from the port 80h postcodes is 0000. The US15W is accessing the FWH over the LPC bus. There is no SMBUS activity.

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1 Reply
Valued Contributor I


I want to make you aware of a special place to go with questions like yours. The Intel® e-Help desk is staffed by Intel representatives who support select Intel embedded platforms including Atom

To access e-Help, you need to be a Privileged member of the Intel® Embedded Community. If you are not already a Privileged member, you can request an upgrade to your community account here:

https://edc.intel.com/My-Account.aspx https://edc.intel.com/My-Account.aspx

In addition to access to e-Help, Prvileged members may also access the confidential content within the Intel® Embedded Design Center, such as design documents, specifications, and training materials.

I hope this helps.


J. Felix McNulty

Community Moderator (Intel contractor)

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