Ethernet Products
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5130 Discussions

82579LM NIC won't come up when connected to 10gig copper port



I have a Lenovo W520 with 82579LM installed with the latest driver (IntelPro 19, driver version

I am trying to connect it with a 10gBaseT copper port on a router and it won't come up.

The link is flapping constantly and changing between enabled/uplugged.

I realize this is a 1gig NIC but should it auto-negotiate and come up with 1gig (it is set to autoneg on both sides) ?. It has no issue connected to a 1gig copper port.

However I have used other Intel 1gig NICs (82578DM and 82576LM) and they don't have any issue connecting to this 10gig copper port.

Is there anything that I can dump to check out why ?

Note: the i350 1gic seems to have the same behavior but it's intermittent..

Thanks in advance,


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