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6536 Discussions


Honored Contributor II

I'm currently using the ALTFP_CONVERT megafunction in my design to convert a 10 bit integer to a 32bit FP. It has a clk_en (convert_en) and an aclr port (convert_rst). 


Unfortunatly the output stays at high impedance (as shown in the attachment). 


I get the following warning during the simulation setup: 


--- Quote Start ---  

# ** Warning: (vsim-8607) c:/altera/11.1/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/../altera/verilog/src/cycloneiii_atoms.v(6155): Non-positive replication multiplier inside concat. Replication will be ignored. 

--- Quote End ---  



which I don't really understand at all. Could that be related? Or is there something else I'm missing? Thanks in advance :)
0 Kudos
3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You are not showing the output port of the altfp_convert megafunction. I don't think, that the output of altfp_convert is tri-stateable, apparently it's sourced from a register.  


It's also not clear, if the warning is generated during processing of the MegaFunction or other parts of your design.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thank you for your reply. 


The section of my testbench for stimulating the convertor: 



--- Quote Start ---  


//Convert signals 

logic convert_rst; 

logic convert_en; 

logic[9:0] in; 

logic [31:0] out; 



fpconvert converter(convert_rst,CLOCK_50,convert_en,in,out); 


//Convert Signals 



convert_rst = 1'b0; 

convert_en = 1'b0; 

in = 10'b0000000001; 

# 50ns; 

convert_rst = 1'b0; 

convert_en = 1'b1; 

in = 10'b0000100001; 

# 50ns; 

convert_rst = 1'b0; 

convert_en = 1'b1; 

in = 10'b0000100001; 

# 50ns; 

convert_rst = 1'b0; 

convert_en = 1'b1; 

in = 10'b0000100001; 

# 50ns; 

convert_rst = 1'b0; 

convert_en = 1'b1; 

in = 10'b0000100001; 

# 50ns; 

convert_rst = 1'b0; 

convert_en = 1'b1; 

in = 10'b0000100001; 

# 50ns; 

convert_rst = 1'b0; 

convert_en = 1'b1; 

in = 10'b0000100001; 

# 50ns; 

convert_rst = 1'b0; 

convert_en = 1'b1; 

in = 10'b0000100001; 



--- Quote End ---  



As you can see, it is the megafunction output port which is high Z. 


I tried simulating without the 'mains' module (which is my entire design) which removed the 'Non-positive replication multiplier inside concat' error. So from what I can tell, it's a either an issue with the Megafunction or Modelsim.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Problem solved. I made a new copy of ALTFP_CONVERT with a different name and that seemed to fix it. Surprising how changing the name of a module seems to fix things... I have a feeling I may have made an incorrect port assignment in another module, which messed up the synthesis of ALTFP_CONVERT when I tried testing it by itself in modelsim. 


Thank you for your help :)
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