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6544 Discussions

Altera ASMI parallel instantiates undefined entity

Honored Contributor II

I have added the EPCQ serial memory controller to my qsys system and configured it according to AN736. When I generate the qsys system one of the output files (in my system the file name is nios_proc_epcq_controller_0_altera_asmi_parallel_altera_asmi_parallel.v) that is supposed to define the asmi parallel interface is an empty file and the Quartus compiler fails with the given error message: 


Error (12006): Node instance "altera_asmi_parallel" instantiates undefined entity "nios_proc_epcq_controller_0_altera_asmi_parallel_altera_asmi_parallel". Make sure that the required user library paths are specified correctly. If the project contains EDIF Input Files (.edf), make sure that you specified the EDA synthesis tool settings correctly. Otherwise, define the specified entity or change the calling entity. 


I'm using Quartus Prime 16.0 Standard 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Was this issue resolved? I am experiencing the same thing. I am using Quartus Prime 17.1. I was using 15.1 without any issues.

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