FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
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Can I use my design in production if it compiled with OpenCore off?

Honored Contributor II



I am still a bit unsure about how the licensing works. I am a Quartus Lite user. I have a design that includes the PCIe Hard IP, the DDR3 SDRAM Controller with Uniphy, and now I am thinking about adding DSP functions Frame Buffer II and Clocked Video Input.  

in this post (http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=50497&highlight=free+ip): Tricky said that if I can generate an IP core, then I can use it, too. I have turned OpenCore off, and generated and compiled the design with the Frame Buffer and Clocked Video Input and got no errors. I have looked at the License Setup and it showed no dates or anything whatsoever. 


The weird thing is, that these IPs are part of the Video and Image Processing Suite. As far as I know, that is included in the IP Base Suite(however, here (https://www.altera.com/products/intellectual-property/design/ip-base-suite.html) it does not show up). This means, that for the Lite edition it has to be purchased separately, and as such, without OpenCore I shouldn't be able to generate/compile it. 


Does successful generation/compilation with no license and OpenCore off mean/guarantee that my design will be usable in production without any license needed? 


Best Regards, 

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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

How did you "turn OpenCore off"? There's no option that I know of to do this. 


But the answer is that you will need a license for the IP base suite if you are using Lite.
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Honored Contributor II

I went: Assignments -> Settings -> Compilation Process Settings -> More Settings -> OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation -> Disable. Then I compiled the project with the Video Suite IP in it, and it compiled without a word. Either that option does something else than I think it does, or it does not work. Or the IP are somehow usable for free,but I doubt that. The user guide for it had its last update in 2017.

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Honored Contributor II

I've been using Quartus for 12 years and I've never noticed that setting! 


You're able to compile, but have you tried programming over a cable (like USB Blaster)?
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Honored Contributor II

Some licence features work in different ways. If you dont have a licence they will: 

1. Just not compile at all 

2. Compile but wont generate a bit file 

3. Generate a time limited bit file 


If none of these apply, then you should have the licence for all IP you are using.
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