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6542 Discussions

Choosing TCP/UDP ip core (+ mac?), no SoC, anyone?

Honored Contributor II



It so happens that I need a UDP and TCP core(s) working over 10G mac (or comes with its own MAC and XAUI that works with XGMII). No CPU (not even soft one). So I found only these vendors: 



Of course I can contact those vendors and ask all my questions. However, I want some feedback from not financially interested parties :) 


I am sure somebody here have done TCP/IP HW solutions and I am not the first one to think about it. 


Could you please share your thoughts on this, vendors, reviews? Any information is highly appreciated. 


Thank you very much!
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Here is a link to a low-cost TCP-UDP core: http://comblock.com/com5402soft.html 

The core is written for Xilinx devices, but should not be to difficult to port. 

A pure UDP transmitter isn't that difficult to write yourself. There is a UDP Offload example on the Altera Wiki: http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/nios_ii_udp_offload_example (http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/nios_ii_udp_offload_example) You can remove the NIOS part.
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Honored Contributor II


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Here is a link to a low-cost TCP-UDP core: http://comblock.com/com5402soft.html 

The core is written for Xilinx devices, but should not be to difficult to port. 

A pure UDP transmitter isn't that difficult to write yourself. There is a UDP Offload example on the Altera Wiki: http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/nios_ii_udp_offload_example You can remove the NIOS part. 

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Thank you very much for your response. I appreciate it. Any chance you know any cores for 10Gbe? I saw TSE / Nios offload example, and also bumped into 1Gbe cores (one from opencores.org is free of charge even). Unfortunately they all seem to be 1Gbe. On the other hand I've got a Stratix V device with 8 10Gbe ports. Up to the point I can use Altera's MAC + XAUI. But nothing higher-level. So I was looking for more or less plug-n-play solution. I guess Intilop's solution looks like a closest to what I need. 


Thanks a lot Josyb!
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Honored Contributor II



What Kind of information are you looking for ? 


PS: Take a look at plda.com (http://www.plda.com/index.php), we have also a full hardware 10GE TCP and UDP. 


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Honored Contributor II


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What Kind of information are you looking for ? 


PS: Take a look at plda.com (http://www.plda.com/index.php), we have also a full hardware 10GE TCP and UDP. 



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Thanks for getting back. I have actually wrote my own — turned out to be extremely easy task as long as you don't have to do "generic full-featured UDP stack" for generic customers. In fact, I am in touch with PLDA — thinking of buying a platform from you guys. So far I am preparing some FPGA prototypes to sell the idea to my boss and get funding though, once done — will get some evaluation from you and probably get "gold" package :-D
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Honored Contributor II

Hi Yocto. 


It is not a big deal to implement a hardcoded UDP for a specific case. 

but as you saw it is more complex when this must be done in a generic way and more complex to do TCP part. I've a good idea of what you want to implement :) 


If you have any specific question, feel free to contact me (us) if you have tech questions (you can use my nickname on this forum + @plda.com



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