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FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6559 토론

Differences in the use of Random Number Generator IP Core between Straitx IV and Arria 10

4,239 조회수

Simulate the Random Number Generator IP Core with ModelSim. The same testbench, when choosing different devices, the simulation results of rand_num_data are quite different.

(1) When stratix iv (EP4SGX230KF40I3) is selected, rand_num_data is not synchronized with inclk. And when the clock frequency is increased to 320MHz, rand_num_data will have an indeterminate state Z.stratix_iv.png


(2) When Arria 10 (10AX027H4F34I3SG) is selected, rand_num_data is synchronized with inclk. And when the clock frequency is increased to 320MHz, rand_num_data is still output normally. arria_10.pngSo I would like to ask, when using the Random Number Generator IP Core, what are the different considerations for different devices?


0 포인트
28 응답
838 조회수



Continuing the previous reply, I added a figure about the errors of tcl console.

tcl errors.png

0 포인트
838 조회수



Regarding your observation where when increasing the frequency of the clock for SIV rand generator IP simulation, the simulation seems to have issue. For your information, I am able to replicate similar observation when increasing the frequency from 100MHz to 200MHz. I believe this is due to limitation of the simulation model at high frequency. However, in actual hardware implementation, the core performance should be limited your timing closure. As a workaround, you can simulate the functionality at 100MHz and then implement the actual frequency in your design.


Please let me know if there is any concern. Thank you.


Best regards,

Chee Pin

0 포인트
838 조회수



I will implement in my actual hardware.


Thanks very much!

0 포인트
838 조회수



Regarding the test bench template writer, for your information, I do not have much insight into it. Generally I would code the test bench from scratch or use the example design generated by the IP. However, for the SIV rand IP, seems like there is no example design generation supported. Sorry for the inconvenience. As a workaround, I would like to recommend you to code your test bench in RTL.


Please let me know if there is any concern. Thank you.


Best regards,

Chee Pin


0 포인트
838 조회수



I will do as you recommended.


Thank you!

0 포인트
838 조회수

Thanks lot for your help and update.

0 포인트
838 조회수


I ran into a difficult problem. When using the 17.1 standard version to create a random number IP, an error will be reported, see the text and the attachments.

I am very anxious and look forward to your reply, thank you.

rand1.JPGrand2.JPGError: rand_gen_0: IP geneneration failed at file discovery, please tell Altera

Error: couldn't open "C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/alt8408_4688452438430321239.dir/0002_rand_gen_0_gen//rand_gen.prj/components/altera_rand_gen/altera_rand_gen_internal_hw.tcl": no such file or directory

  while executing

"discover_files $proxy_file_set $tmp_dir"

  (procedure "generate_all" line 16)

  invoked from within

"generate_all $output_name QUARTUS_SYNTH"

  (procedure "generate_quartus_synth" line 2)

  invoked from within

"generate_quartus_synth rand_num_gen_rand_gen_0"

Error: qsys-generate failed with exit code 1: 2 Errors, 0 Warnings

0 포인트
838 조회수
Hi, As I tested on my side generating the IP with similar configuration as yours in SIV and A10 in Q17.1Std, seems like I have no issue generating the files. Probably you can further look into if there is any permission issue on the generation location? Or you can also try with other Quartus or workstation to see if similar issue still persist. Thank you. Best regards, Chee Pin
0 포인트