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6462 Discussions

Dynamic addition/submission in Stratix-V DSP block

Honored Contributor II

Hello all, 


I want to use the Stratix V DSP block to build a ALU. I need the dynamical addition/submission control like the addnsub sginal in Stratix II.  


According to what is described in "variable precision dsp blocks in stratix v devices", sub is such signal. However, I cannot find any options to show it in MegaFunction Wizard (altmul_add):confused:. 


The same thing happens to the NEGATE signal to control the accumulator. I cannot use it in any way. 


Look forward to your help. Thanks in advance.  


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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II



I know nothing about your question (do not use DSP blocks), but want to ask, what Quartus version do you use?
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Honored Contributor II

I tried Quartus 10.1 and Quartus 11.1. It seems the usage of DSP block is inferred from altera_mult_add.v file (in the library directory), and you do not have much control but toconfigure the parameters through the MegaWizard. But it just cannot fully utilize the functionality of DSP block. For example, I used the accumulator mode, although there is such component in DSP block, the MegaWizard builds an accumulator with LUT fabric. 


Thank you. 



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I know nothing about your question (do not use DSP blocks), but want to ask, what Quartus version do you use? 

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Honored Contributor II

Recently I tryed to use some IP block from Altera, that was introduced in Q10 (maybe in Q10.1, I don't know). 


There were the same problem - IP did not have several second-order ports. 

In Q11.1, these ports had appeared. 

So, I can suggest your DSP block ports can appear in more late version of Quartus.
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Honored Contributor II

there is a template in Quartus > Edit > Insert Template > Verilog > Full Designs > Arithmetic > DSP Features > Dynamic Add/Sub 


for reference: 


// Quartus II Verilog Template // Dynamic add/sub control // For use with the Stratix V, Arria-V, Cyclone-V and later device families module dynamic_addsub(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4, a5, b5, a6, b6, addnsub12, addnsub34, addnsub56, subnadd_chain34, subnadd_chain56, clock, ena, reset, s); parameter a_width = 18; parameter b_width = 18; parameter o_width = 64; input a1; input b1; input a2; input b2; input a3; input b3; input a4; input b4; input a5; input b5; input a6; input b6; input addnsub12; input addnsub34; input addnsub56; input subnadd_chain34; input subnadd_chain56; input clock; input ena; input reset; output s; reg signed a1_reg, a2_reg, a3_reg, a4_reg, a5_reg, a6_reg; reg signed b1_reg, b2_reg, b3_reg, b4_reg, b5_reg, b6_reg; reg signed s12, s1234, s; //Dynamic add/sub can be used in basic modes: sum-of-2 18x18, 36+18x18, two level sum-of-4 18x18, sum-of-2 27x27 and sum-of-2 36x18. //Input and output signals of the dynamic add/sub operation must be explicitly defined. wire signed p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6; wire signed p12, p34, p56; assign p1 = a1_reg*b1_reg; assign p2 = a2_reg*b2_reg; assign p3 = a3_reg*b3_reg; assign p4 = a4_reg*b4_reg; assign p5 = a5_reg*b5_reg; assign p6 = a6_reg*b6_reg; assign p12 = addnsub12 ? (p1 + p2) : (p1 - p2); assign p34 = addnsub34 ? (p3 + p4) : (p3 - p4); assign p56 = addnsub56 ? (p5 + p6) : (p5 - p6); //Dynamic add/sub is also applicable to chainout adder or accumulator (not both). //Dynamic add/sub is not applicable to 18x18 systolic mode. always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin a1_reg <= 0; a2_reg <= 0; a3_reg <= 0; a4_reg <= 0; a5_reg <= 0; a6_reg <= 0; b1_reg <= 0; b2_reg <= 0; b3_reg <= 0; b4_reg <= 0; b5_reg <= 0; b6_reg <= 0; s12 <= 0; s1234 <= 0; s <= 0; end else begin if (ena) begin a1_reg <= a1; a2_reg <= a2; a3_reg <= a3; a4_reg <= a4; a5_reg <= a5; a6_reg <= a6; b1_reg <= b1; b2_reg <= b2; b3_reg <= b3; b4_reg <= b4; b5_reg <= b5; b6_reg <= b6; s12 <= p12; s1234 <= subnadd_chain34 ? (s12 - p34) : (s12 + p34); s <= subnadd_chain56 ? (s1234 - p56) : (s1234 + p56); end end endmodule
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