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6542 Discussions

How to debug the FFT IP using a custom made test-bench according to the user requirements using a vhdl test-bench in quartus 16.1.2 ??


The doubt is that when I open quartus prime standard 16.1.2 software with a 30 days evaluation license, couldn't able to find a proper way to write VHDL testbench and do simulate the FFT IP according the settings I configured.


I have a VHDL topmodule file generated the top module bdf and now I want to simulate by writing a custom testbench for that like in vivado.


By the way, the problem is I am new to quartus and I used to work on Vivado(xilinx) software previously.

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6 Replies



To configure Quartus to use Altera-Modelsim as the simulator go to Assignments > Settings > EDA Tool Settings > Simulation Make sure “Modelsim-Altera” is selected as the tool Next go to Tools > Options > General > EDA Tools sure that the path next to ModelsimAltera is configured correctly (example path=C:\altera\13.0sp1\mode-sim_ase\win32aloem)


  1. We have to write the testbench in HDL.
  2. Since you are using IP we should use the scripts(msim_setup.tcl) to load the libraries or supporting files.
  3. The Quartus® Prime software generates simulation files for each IP core during IP generation,The IP generation output also includes scripts to compile and run any testbench.


In your FFT design you can find msim_setup.tcl file read the file which will help you in simulating.create a simple scrtip including your IP msim_srtup & testbench.vhd.

It should look like

set QSYS_SIMDIR C:/Users/anandr1x/Desktop/fftpro source mentor/msim_setup.tcl #dev_com  # Override the top-level name (so that elab is useful) set TOP_LEVEL_NAME fftprotb # Compile the standalone IP. com # Compile the user top-level vlog -sv ../../top.sv vlog -sv fftprotb.v # Elaborate the design. elab

Let me know if this has helped resolve the issue you are facing or if you need any further assistance.









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Can you suggest any video tutorial links in youtube or somewhere which helps me to see all this process. Because as I told I am new to this quartus. It will help me to navigate through tool features easily.

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New Contributor I

Could not able to watch the videos even though they are free from the above link mentioned for training. Recently we have purchased the license also still permission denied is coming. The issue also raised with intel and screenshot is attached please look into it and solve for us then our development will not stop because of this.

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Link are up, You can try now.


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New Contributor I


The attached errorimage.png is coming to watch videos. Then when I go for premier account registration the following error is coming. I hope you guys solve this for me soon. Because I bought license but I couldn't able to see videos or generate license.dat file also because of these issues from your website management side. This if making my work sick. Please address this ASAP as a priority. I have trying to highlight this from past two weeks.


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