FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6542 Discussions

How to get the Synopsys simulation library(eda/sim_lib/synopsys) for vcs simulation?


I was using de10-nano board for leaning SoC FPGA.

Nowadays, I am trying to FPGA to SDRAM access and will simulate my design by using VCS (Synopsys). However I can not simulation my design, because I don't have synopsys simulation library files.

how can I get the library files for hps block simulation on VCS?

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1 Reply
You can use Quartus to generate the compiled simulation models for VCS and then import them in VCS simulator. Refer to user guide below. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/documentation/gtt1529956823942.html#mwh1409960618998 Alternatively look for auto-generated simulation script along with the IP simulation files, running the script will re-compile the libraries needed to bring up the IP simulation along with compiling IP files, you can reference the script to create your custom script.. Thanks, Arslan
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