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6541 Discussions

Is there an easy way to establish static reconfiguration of transceivers (VOD etc)

Honored Contributor II

Last time I did an FPGA (Stratix IV) you could set transceiver analog properties (VOD, preemphasis etc.) right in the Megawizard. This was convenient if you did not mind re-compiling each time they were to be changed (i.e. you did not need to change them).  


Now this does not seem to be possible (I'm using Quartus 13.1 or 14.1 with CycloneV device). I have yet to find any Quartus GUI now that allows clickable selection of analog settings. 

I get the impression from the multiple documents that I have read that I need to either: 


1 -  

Instantiate reconfiguration controller that includes the Avalon interface. 

Instantiate a NIOS processor and bridge it to the Avalon interface. 

Write C code in the NIOS processor to configure transceivers. 




2 - 

Instantiate reconfiguration controller that includes the Avalon interface. 

Somehow get a MIF file configured with the configuration parameters you would like. 

Connect MIF to the reconfiguration controller. 


Is it really this involved now or am I missing something? 


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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  


Instantiate reconfiguration controller that includes the Avalon interface. 

Instantiate a NIOS processor and bridge it to the Avalon interface. 


--- Quote End ---  


You just need an Avalon-MM master, eg., the JTAG-to-Avalon-MM bridge. You can then use Tcl from your host PC to access the registers. 


If there is a Transceiver Toolkit example for the Cyclone V, then go through that and understand it. You can then use the Transceiver Toolkit to control the interface on your board. This will give you an idea of what is possible. 



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Honored Contributor II

I don't have a host PC, and I don't want to have to create one (NIOS) and then have write software just to initialize VOD. My target application involves no processor whatsoever. 


There must be an easier way.  


I see that there is a way that involves having config data in a MIF, but I don't see how to create the MIF file. 


Is there some tool that lets you select configuration (VOD, preemphasis values etc) and build the MIF for you? I can't believe that I would have to paw through a memory map and hand edit a MIF file. 


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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  


I don't see how to create the MIF file. 


Is there some tool that lets you select configuration (VOD, preemphasis values etc) and build the MIF for you? I can't believe that I would have to paw through a memory map and hand edit a MIF file. 


--- Quote End ---  


Its been a while since I read the documentation, but I'm pretty sure the .MIF gets created when you edit the GUI. If you want multiple .MIFs, you have to go through the GUI several times, making sure to save the .MIF each time. I think the reconfiguration component can be made to read a .MIF at power-on, or can be made to read locations via an Avalon-MM master interface, and you can write the .MIF to those locations. This second option is useful if you want to reconfigure multple .mifs. 


I'm not sure where I read this documentation ... I assume its all documented in the reconfiguration users guide (but I may be recalling the options for the Stratix IV and Arria V devices). 


You should file a Service Request directly with Altera. That way someone familiar with the Cyclone V features will be able to give you a useful answer. 



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Honored Contributor II

Hello, lunar_rover, 


Are you trying to set the TX VOD of a Cyclone V device statically?  


You can set this in the Quartus II Assignment Editor or Pin Planner ( Refer to chapter 19 of the Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide) 




The 'Analog Settings for Cyclone V Devices' section of chapter 19 explains how to set it on page 19-33 


For a translation of the TX VOD settings to the actual mV, refer to the Cyclone V Device Datasheet : 


https://www.altera.com/content/dam/altera-www/global/en_us/pdfs/literature/hb/cyclone-v/cv_51002.pdf ( Table 21 shows the list of Vod values based on a TX termination resistance value of 100 ohms) 


For additional clarification, please file a Service Request with Altera 


Hope this helps 



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Honored Contributor II

You can still assign all transceiver analog properties statically from the Assignment Editor. 

Go to "Edit Logic Options" under the "Assignment Constraints" 

Click on "Assignment Name". It opens a huge drop-down menu.  

Navigate to "Transmitter..." settings. 

(attached is the screenshot) 


Those constraints will be added to project's *.qsf file, for example: 


set_instance_assignment -name XCVR_TX_VOD 32 -to xcvr1 set_instance_assignment -name XCVR_TX_PRE_EMP_1ST_POST_TAP 3 -to xcvr1 

Those and other transceiver analog settings are described in Quartus QSF reference guide, and you can add them manually without any GUI. 



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