FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6543 Discussions

PCIe problem with large TLPs

Honored Contributor II

I'm sending a TLP (from the application layer) of 4 headers and 128 bits of data (Avalon-TX 128). 


Headers look like this: 


header0 = 32'h60000004; //fmt = 3, length = 4 DW 

header1 = 32'h000000FF; //first BE = F, last BE = F 

header2 = 32'h00000000;  

header3 = address; //that is 32-bit wide 


Afterwars I send it like this: 


tx_valid_next = 1; 

tx_data_next = {header3, header2, header1, header0}; 

tx_sop_next = 1; 


Next cycle: sending the data 

tx_sop_next = 0; 

tx_valid_next = 1; 

tx_data_next = data; //that is 128-bit wide 

tx_eop_next = 1; 


Next cycle: deasserting eop and valid. Also checking TX_ready before asserting TX_valid. 




When I use shmem_display, it shows all zeros, whereas it all works fine with the code like this: 


//3 DW headers, 32-bit data payload, single transaction 

header0 = 32'h40000001; 

header1 = 32'h0000000F;  

header2 = address;  


tx_valid_next = 1; 

tx_data_next = {data, header2, header1, header0};  

tx_sop_next = 1; 

tx_eop_next = 1; 



What am I missing?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The PCIe spec says: 



--- Quote Start ---  

• For Addresses below 4 GB, Requesters must use the 32-bit format. 

--- Quote End ---  

So, in your TLP generator you have to check the upper 32 bits of the address to be zero and use a 3 word TLP in this case.
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Honored Contributor II

It worked with 3DW headers! Thanks!

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