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6354 Discussions

Passing real parameters from Qsys (platform designer) to the custom IP core.

Honored Contributor II



I have developed a custom IP core which uses some calibration information, this information is passed to the top level entity.  

However, I have generated the *_hw.tcl file for the qsys (platform designer) and it appears that it cannot pass any floating/real type parameters (there is no support) and converts these parameters to string data type. 

So, then I thought that I can simply convert types: from "string" to "real". In VHDL2008 standard there is t'value(x) attribute, which converts string X to value of type T, BUT sadly this is not supported for "real" data type :( 


Has anyone encountered this problem? Is there a solution without manually writing coefficients in source files every time I generate Qsys system? 



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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

'value is not just a 2008 attribute. 

You could write a function to do the conversion yourself.
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Honored Contributor II

Ou.., I wanted to express that even in VHDL2008 standard 'value attribute does not support real data type. 

But thank You, I'll write my own function.
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Honored Contributor II

My straight forward implementation for future reference: 



-- synopsis directives: -- synthesis VHDL_INPUT_VERSION VHDL_2008 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all, package functions is function to_real( str:string ) return real; end package; package body functions is function extract_exponent_value( str_exp:string ) return real is variable i : natural; variable is_inverse : boolean := false; variable ret : real := 0.0; variable digit : natural; begin for i in str_exp'low to str_exp'high loop -- skip character if it exists if (str_exp(i) = 'E') or (str_exp(i) = 'e') then report "Exponent sign"; next; end if; -- we can safely skip '+' sign if (str_exp(i) = '+') then report "Plus sign"; next; end if; -- is exponent 'negative' if (str_exp(i) = '-') then report "Minus sign"; is_inverse := true; next; end if; digit := integer'value(str_exp(i to i)); ret := ret + real(10)**( digit*(str_exp'high-i+1)); report "Exponent: " & real'image(ret); end loop; -- if is_inverse then ret := 1.0/ret; end if; return ret; end function; function extract_exponent( str:string ) return real is variable i : natural; begin -- finc exponent for i in str'low to str'high loop if (str(i) = 'E') or (str(i) = 'e') then return extract_exponent_value( str(i to str'high) ); end if; end loop; -- if there was no exponent, let's return identity return 1.0; end function; function to_real( str:string ) return real is variable i : natural; variable pos_decimal : natural := 0; variable pos_start : natural := str'low; variable pos_end : natural := str'high; variable is_negative : boolean := false; variable exponent : real := 1.0; variable ret : real := 0.0; begin -- check for negative sign if( str(str'low) = '-') then pos_start := str'low + 1; is_negative := true; end if; for i in pos_start to pos_end loop -- get decimal point position if( str(i) = '.') then pos_decimal := i; next; end if; -- check if exponent form if (str(i) = 'E') or (str(i) = 'e') then exponent := extract_exponent(str); pos_end := i-1; exit; --report "Exponent form is not supported!" severity FAILURE; end if; end loop; -- whole digits for i in pos_start to pos_decimal-1 loop ret := ret + real(integer'value(str(i to i))) * (real(10)**(pos_decimal-i-1)); end loop; -- fractional digits for i in pos_decimal+1 to pos_end loop ret := ret + real(integer'value(str(i to i))) * (real(10)**(pos_decimal-i)); end loop; -- inverse the value if necesarry if is_negative then ret := -ret; end if; -- multiply by our exponent value ret := ret * exponent; report "string '" & str & "' converted to " & real'image(ret); return ret; end function; end package body;
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