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Qsys Pro tcl generated incomplete

Honored Contributor II

Hi to all , I generate a Qsys Pro System with a HPS with several interfaces(1 Uart , Master SPI , a QSPI, several GPIOs) , a PCie, a DDR4, 4 Transceivers are instantiated on the project(Arria 10 Sx 320 ) . The project works fine without errors. I want to create a script to produce the qsys file , so I want to start with the tcl generated by Qsys tool , but when I try to regenerate the system with this file, the hps is mssing ... and several error are on the system  


I use the command line qsys-script ---script generated_qsys_file.tcl to regenerate the qsys sytem  


There is something wrong on autogenerated tcl by qsys or I'm using the tcl in a wrong way? 


Could give me some examples to mantains a Qsys System with tcl scripting ? 


Best Regards
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