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FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6536 Discussions

TSE MAC cannot give gm_tx_d on board.

Honored Contributor II

Hi, all, 


It is the first time I use the TSE MAC.  

My target is to run TSE MAC on a Stratix IV GT Evaluation Board without the Nios II. 


I'm a beginner on FPGA coding, and I like to use the schematic input and Vector Waveform File for simulation. 


The followings are what I have done, and the problems I have. 



1. Packet generator accomplished 

Based on tse_datapath_reference_design 

Avoid CRC 

Function works normal in all following cases 


2. 10/100/1000 Mb Ethernet MAC 

Megawizard Plug-In Manager 

Study all the input and output 

tx_clk, rx_clk =125MHz for Triple-Speed 

ff_tx_crc_fwd=0, MAC generates the CRC 


3. Packet generator + MAC 1000M 

Quartus II 8.0 32bit, EP3C40F484C8 (Cyclone III) 

Quartus II 8.0 32bit, EP2SGX90EF1152C3 (Stratix II GX) 

Quartus II 9.1 32bit, EP2SGX90EF1152C3  

Built-in simulater (vwf input)----Quartus II 10 and 11 cancelled this simulater, and I do not know to make a simulation with ModelSim-Altera 

MAC gm_tx_d miss the first 16bits of the packet----I do not know why, and do not know where to begin to analyze this problem. 


4. Packet generator + MAC 1000M 

Quartus II 11 32bit, EP2SGX90EF1152C3 (Stratix II GX) 

Quartus II 11 32bit, EP4S100G2F40I2 (Stratix IV GT?) 

Signaltap II on Evaluation Board 

MAC gm_tx_d no output----I got mad by this problem. I do not why there are no outputs when I used the Signaltap II. 


Please help me, any suggestion or hints. Thank you. 


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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I would suggest using SOPC builder for TSE MAC instantiation, so You could avoid setting up PHY management stuff. 


The first 16bits are removed due to 32bit boundary align setting in TSE MAC core settings.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I would suggest using SOPC builder for TSE MAC instantiation, so You could avoid setting up PHY management stuff. 


The first 16bits are removed due to 32bit boundary align setting in TSE MAC core settings. 

--- Quote End ---  



The only thing I know about the sopc is from the lab course in collage. Can I use the sopc without a nios ii core? And the code running on the core? I do not what to add too much things into my design. 


And about the missing 16 bits, is that ok if the first 16 bit of the destination mac? (The missing 16 bits seems not the really part of the mac.) If not, how can I get it back by the sitting of the tse mac? 


Thanks again. 


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Honored Contributor II

I solve the problem of no output on gm_tx_d, it is because of the TSE MAC configuration. It failed when I use my logic to write the config. 

My initialization logic works well in the simulator, but when on board, the TSE MAC cannot take the config "write" signal well. When I modify the logic, slow it down, the TSE begin to work. But the PHY chip on board is still not working.
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