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6529 Discussions

aud_ws_in signal in SDI audio extractor

Honored Contributor II



The aud_ws_in signal in SDI audio extractor is used as a reference word select signal to align the serial outputs of multiple audio extractors. 

(please see SDI use guide for the original description). 


So, I expect to see aligned serial audio data if I connect a clock of 48KHz to the aud_ws_in of several audio extractors.  

(My bit clock for the audio is 3.072MHz) 


However, when I really do this, I don't think I have seen seen aligned serial audio data from signaltapII. Please see the attached siganltapII waveform. 


The embedded audio data in SDI are all 1KHz tone from a test pattern generator. So their serial data should be the same. All I need is to align data between multiple audio extractors. Should I add FIFO to do this? 


Does anyone have some suggestions about my question? Thanks.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hello, YUFU0511! 

Did You find out how to solve that problem?
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Honored Contributor II

Hi, Aphraton 


I eventually find the signal "aud_ws_in" can do the work for me. 

You may see the SDI user guide to understand how to use it.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi, Aphraton 


I eventually find the signal "aud_ws_in" can do the work for me. 

You may see the SDI user guide to understand how to use it. 

--- Quote End ---  



Yes, I understand how to use signal "aud_ws_in". 

But You reported, that You had problems - output data not being aligned as seen in Your SignalTap screenshot. 

How did You solve output data not being aligned?
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