FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP

hd_sdi ip problem

Honored Contributor II

hd_sdi ip receiver is not working can any body please tell me what to do . 


i have given frames in "3fff" "0000" "0000" formate
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

read the user guide.

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Honored Contributor II

ya thank you sir . i have read it . 

i have connected tx serial data output with the rx serial data input and getting the data at the rx parallel out of the receiver ip but the rx_trs are not coming and the rx status is reading as 01b , 003 , 002 ,000 . what i should do .
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Honored Contributor II

You say that you are connecting the tx port to the rx port, so what are you transmitting? In what mode? 

You mention "3FFF" "0000" "0000", but these are the start of sync words, only not quite - in HD you need 20 bits, so "FFFFF" and "00000", and in SD you need "3FF" and "000" (10 bits) and the top 10 bits is ignored. 

You need to generate the TRS signals correctly, including line number and CRCs in HD, unless you ask the SDI-TX core to generate them for you, but you have to put in the FFFFF and 00000 words yourself and tell it exactly when they are. And it will only recognise the input if you have the TRS signals at the correct spacing. 


I suggest you look at the Stratix II GX video reference design, which has a "Pattern Generator" in it for making something suitable to transmit.
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