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6541 Discussions

how to use the GXB interfaces in stratixV?

Honored Contributor II

hello everyone: The prbs signals of the transmission rate for 1G / sI just need to transmmit a PRBS signal of the rate for 2G bit / s through the GXB pins. I used ALTGX cores when I use stratix IV device. But the ALTGX don't support the stratix V device , which IP core should I choose to compelte my design?

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

ALTGX is for SIV, AII, and CIV 

For V series device, you can you custom phy or native phy.
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Honored Contributor II


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hello everyone: The prbs signals of the transmission rate for 1G / sI just need to transmmit a PRBS signal of the rate for 2G bit / s through the GXB pins. I used ALTGX cores when I use stratix IV device. But the ALTGX don't support the stratix V device , which IP core should I choose to compelte my design? 

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It is better for u to use Native Phy. 

It provides more flexibiltyand more control. 

In addition, native phy is the direction for future support
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