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6544 Discussions

initializing ram with hex file

Honored Contributor II



I am using 


Quartus/DSPBuilder 9.0 

Matlab/Simulink 7.5 (aka R2010a) 

Vista Home 

DE2 Cyclone II kit 


I am having trouble initializing RAM with Intel hex files. I warnings like the following: 


Critical Warning: Can't read Memory Initialization File or Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File simpleTest.hex -- setting all initial values to 0 


However, I know the application can access this file, since if I deliberately put some bogus data in the file, I get errors (as expected) such as: 


Error: Data size does not match the number of bytes at line 4 in Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File "simpleTest.hex" File: simpleTest.hex Line: 4 


If the file was misplaced or innaccessible, I wouldn't get that error. 


I have tried local files in the same directory as well as absolute and relative paths to files in other directories. Always get the same warning. I have also tried moving the file to various places (in the same folder as my mdl, subfolders, far away, etc). No luck. 


Any suggestions? Thanks.
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I think a bad checksum may cause that, but not really sure. Can you try creating a .mif instead of a .hex to see if that acts the same? It seems to be the content as you said --

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Honored Contributor II

I actually don't think it's the content of the file at all. What I was trying to say about bogus data was that if I *deliberately* put in a bad checksum or extra garbage characters, I get an error indicating the data is bad, which indicates that Quartus/DSPBuilder can access the file. 


However, when I use a hex file that I know has correct checksums, I get the critical warning about being unable to read the file. So I suspect it's some kind of configuration error or such. 


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Honored Contributor II

hi i have an error : 

Error: Generated checksum value does not match the value specified at line 1 in Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File "Look1.hex" http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/../proweb/misc/progress.gif  

can you help me i change the .hex file for an on-chip memory with result of code matlab i wanted to change the contents of memory with data wich i generated with matalab
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Honored Contributor II

Hi, Sam. I have not used matlab and can only suggest using Quartus do generate the file. 

I have my own program to generate my .hex. I have not done it recently so I'm a bit rusty. 


My suggestion is to copy the text that you input to matlab and paste it in the source for Quartus to gen the .hex. 


Good luck.
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Honored Contributor II

thks i resoklve the problem i have an error in my own code matlab i fixe it and it is work thanks so much

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Honored Contributor II

hi i resolve this problem by changing my code in mtalab the cheksum in the end is wrong then i correct it with my own code because in my project i put data in ram wich are genereted with matlab chek ur data

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