FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

Coordinates ADXL De0-nano

Honored Contributor II

Hi Altera forums. 


I'm from Colombia and i have a project to show at the university but the problem is that i'm a newbie in FPGA's world. 


The project consist in show the acellerometer coordinates in a LCD screen installed in a DE2 Dev kit. 


Now, after my research i concluded that i need comunicate the Acellerometer with the FPGA and later get out the signal through the in/out pins and then the DE2 read all that values and show the data in the LCD screen. 


Now the problem is that i cannot find anything about how to comunicate or to do all that i said before. 


I hope somebody can help me with this project. 


Will have a thanks page on the presentation :D:D 


Thanks a lot
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