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20854 Discussions

GMA 3650 aka. PowerVR sgx545 and Linux



Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems there is absolutely no support for Intel GMA 3650 chipsets on Linux ?

There's a lot of similarities with the GMA500 case, a few years ago for which there is still only very poor

drivers under Linux. The GMA500 was also a chipset from PowerVR painted with Intel colors.

Will it be the same fiasco with this GMA series ?

Or maybe I missed something ?

By the way, I tryed to ask the developpers of PowerVR drivers and they told me to ask Intel support.

173 Replies

Does this driver work with Intel GMA 3600? I'm using Fedora 17 for this but I'm a Debian man.

0 Kudos

linuxis wrote:

Does this driver work with Intel GMA 3600? I'm using Fedora 17 for this but I'm a Debian man.

This link had already been posted in this thread. From the bottom of the link:

"This download is valid for the product(s) listed below. Intel® Desktop Board D2500CC

Intel® Desktop Board DN2800MT"

Those are desktop CPUs(anything with a D in front means desktop). The N2600(GMA 3600) is a netbook CPU. I have installed Linux Mint 13 64-bit(Mate edition) on my N2600 netbook, and the screen resolution is fine, and it can play HD video fine. But the CPU usage during HD(1080p) playback can be as high as 85%. It's the CPU that is doing all the work playing back HD, since there is no driver for GPU acceleration.

If Intel released a proper linux driver(64-bit), then I expect the CPU usage during HD playback to fall to about 25-30%, since the GPU will be doing all the work. Come on Intel, give us proper Linux drivers.

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Valued Contributor II

Narnian wrote:

"This download is valid for the product(s) listed below. Intel® Desktop Board D2500CC

Intel® Desktop Board DN2800MT"

Those are desktop CPUs(anything with a D in front means desktop). The N2600(GMA 3600) is a netbook CPU. I have installed Linux Mint 13 64-bit(Mate edition) on my N2600 netbook, and the screen resolution is fine, and it can play HD video fine. But the CPU usage during HD(1080p) playback can be as high as 85%. It's the CPU that is doing all the work playing back HD, since there is no driver for GPU acceleration.

If Intel released a proper linux driver(64-bit), then I expect the CPU usage during HD playback to fall to about 25-30%, since the GPU will be doing all the work. Come on Intel, give us proper Linux drivers.

Erm, yes the 'D' prefixed models are desktop boards, but the actual chipset is the same, all Cedar Trail hardware contains either a GMA 3600 or a GMA 3650 'PowerVR SGX545' based GPU, and the only differences between them (and including the Atom CPU's) are clockspeeds.

If you are running a 64bit OS then there will be no GPU acceleration, as no fully functional 64bit drivers exist (nor likely ever will be) so CPU usage is bound to be higher.

0 Kudos

You say "for your studies". That means you are using things that have nothing to do with ultra high video definition. Which says that you could install something like Centos 6.2, which has all kinds of enhancements to open office programs available for download. Then, all you need to do is install the adaptation-pc kernel and modules from Meego/Tizen's repository, and Centos automatically comes up and self-adjusts to monitor resolution using its fbdev graphics driver, which is almost as good (subjectively) as the available from different sources. It has the older Ubuntu user interface as a plus, and a much less complicated setup than Ubuntu.

Part of the problem with reproducing in 720p (which is the expected high definition) or 1020p is that behavior is extremely dependent on BOTH internet bandwidth and internet provider continuity. If your internet provider gives you a choppy signal, then you get choppy video, buffering or no buffering.

Out of curiosity, I downloaded the Meego/Tizen development package that lets me compile things like the official Broadcom crystalhd driver for my crystalhd card. Lo and behold, that version of slackware starts up with /dev/crystalhd installed, and appears to have a benign effect on various streaming playbacks, including the xine plugin, which goes full screen when you push the F11 button to go full screen on your browser.

0 Kudos

It's not a question of HD video, it's a question of accesibility, I think that Intel should automatically provide a fully Linux-compatible driver (battery life, performance ...) for all its products.


Please Intel, don't give up on us.


Sorry for my poor english, this is not my mother tongue


0 Kudos

I installed a recent version of Absolute Linux slackware on my sandybridge 35-watt celeron system, only to find that the graphics was a total disaster, with jerky motions as the main symptom, no matter what strategy was adopted to coax good behavior. Having noticed that the Cedarview MeeGo/Tizen kernel seemed to have things that went beyond the usual Linux framebuffer, I installed a recent adaptation-pc kernel on the sandybridge system (you know the one with the power-brick connector in back), and suddenly, sandybridge began to behave exceptionally well, using its latest intel video driver, which was well satisfied that it was dealing with an authentic intel framebuffer. In fact, I am writing this from the sandybridge with the Cedarview kernel. What is more, this 35-watt sandybridge setup can run the Peacekeeper benchmark on google-chrome,, complete with the bouncing globe with the little globes inside, with no glitches, once its buffer is full. And it gets a score of 1879 (full buffer score).

0 Kudos


i try to compile the kernel for Debian Wheezy with Intel instructions for my Eeepc 1025C but everytime I have the same error:

CC [M] drivers/staging/cdv/pvr/services4/srvkm/devices/sgx/mmu.o

drivers/staging/cdv/pvr/services4/srvkm/devices/sgx/mmu.c: In function 'MMU_Alloc':

drivers/staging/cdv/pvr/services4/srvkm/devices/sgx/mmu.c:1042:11: error: 'sDevPAddr.uiAddr' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]

drivers/staging/cdv/pvr/services4/srvkm/devices/sgx/mmu.c:983:20: note: 'sDevPAddr.uiAddr' was declared here

cc1: all warnings being treated as errors

make[4]: *** [drivers/staging/cdv/pvr/services4/srvkm/devices/sgx/mmu.o] Error 1

make[3]: *** [drivers/staging/cdv] Error 2

make[2]: *** [drivers/staging] Error 2

make[1]: *** [drivers] Error 2

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-3.1.10'

make: *** [debian/stamp/build/kernel] Error 2

Can anybody help me?


0 Kudos

Try this page. The line 'cc1: all warnings being treated as errors' is your clue. If your 'CONFIG_FRAME_WARN' variable is set to its default, the warning you see before the abort is probably the 1024th warning and that's why it stops the make at that point. Change it's value to '0' and you should be golden.

0 Kudos

Tried but doesn't work.

The same error.

0 Kudos
0 Kudos

Taking into consideration no Intel representative replied in this thread I get the impression that the only way to make them respond is to spread a word e.g over the Facebook on that (sharing this thread).

This is not a problem of lack of Linux support - this is a complete ignorance of customer voice!! It's really not that hard to state: "get lost you Linux loosers, we don't care for Linux support so no point in waiting for it, look for other HW if you want to run Linux on it".


If you do so please let us know so we can re-share and spread the info so others don't get screw like us.


0 Kudos

XabiX wrote:

If you do so please let us know so we can re-share and spread the info so others don't get screw like us.


Sorry I missed that in previous message: I won't as I don't use Facebook.

0 Kudos

Gee whilikers, guys, the latest netbook Meego has a working xorg for the powervr chip. All you need is a Linux that can be installed on your netbook as is, then altered, copying the Meego kernel, modules, xorg and powervr libraries into the netbook Linux. There are several versions of Slackware on which that approach works resoundingly well; and some, but not all, versions of Ubuntu can be subverted into using the pieces from Meego. The meego kernel has built-in alsa sound which is extremely good, it has built-in cpufrequency ladder permanently set to 'ondemand' and it boots up to a gma500 framebuffer (/dev/fb0) text console which you then follow by startx to get the MeeGo xorg directory into action. This probably means you need a rescue flash stick system like RIPLinuX to do all this subverting.

When your Xorg.0.log finally reads:

[ 838.877] PVRPreInit: done

[ 838.877] (--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp

[ 838.877] (II) pvr(0): [DRI2] Setup complete

[ 838.877] (II) pvr(0): [DRI2] DRI driver: pvr

[ 838.877] (II) EXA(0): Driver allocated offscreen pixmaps

[ 838.877] (II) EXA(0): Driver registered support for the following operations:

[ 838.877] (II) Solid

[ 838.877] (II) Copy

[ 838.878] (II) Composite (RENDER acceleration)

you'll know you have copied in all the relevant MeeGo powervr libraries. Don't forget /etc/powervr.ini and put 'video=LVDS-1:d' on the kernel command line in grub. And, remember to delete the original /usr/lib/xorg directory that comes with your system before replacing it with the one from MeeGo.

0 Kudos

I have Linux Mint 13 Mate 64-bit on my netbook with an N2600 CPU(GMA 3600 GPU), and the resolution is perfect, and I can watch video and Flash with no problems. No problems playing 720p and 1080p, but the CPU usage is at about 80% for 1080p. If there was a linux driver for the GPU, then the that would take all the work off the CPU. EDIT: And playing 1080p video files, the CPU is at about 60-65% usage.

Don't know what problems other people are having.

0 Kudos

Mine doesn't work at this step:

xabix@HTPC:~/.config$ sudo apt-get install cedarview-drm libva-cedarview-vaapi-driver cedarview-graphics-drivers


Reading package lists… Done


Building dependency tree


Reading state information… Done


Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have


requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable


distribution that some required packages have not yet been created


or been moved out of Incoming.


The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:


cedarview-drm:i386 : Depends: dkms:i386 (>= 1.95) but it is not installable


Depends: linux-headers-generic:i386 (>= 2.6) but it is not going to be installed or


linux-headers-generic-pae:i386 (>= 2.6) but it is not going to be installed


cedarview-graphics-drivers:i386 : Depends: xserver-xorg-core:i386 (>= 2: but it is not going to be installed


Depends: xorg-video-abi-11:i386


E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

but the depedencies are installed maybe because I run 64 bits precise?


0 Kudos

Have you tested the experimental Intel accelerated flash driver yet? In theory, it knows how to find the powervr accelerator chip. If the one you download from Intel is a dud, you can try the flash plugin in Meego dated April 11, 2012. That appears to do acceleration. At least is has the artifacts I remember from using the 1-watt crystalhd card with the Intel D525 desktop board under Linux with the correct Linux driver (not the staging driver for crystalhd).

0 Kudos

I currently bout a linux based laptop using the cedar trail cpu, but with a different dedicated gpu. Will keep you updated.

Dear Intel, I realize that some linux enthusiasts are quite hot-headed. However, I would greatly appreciate proper support for the cedar trail cpu. In exchange, I promise to let every linux forum that a regularly visit know that proper support has been provided.

I have really enjoyed using your chips in the past, and hope to continue doing so.


0 Kudos
Innovation Series: Offers lower power use and a small footprint to capitalize on the Intel® Atom™ processor's unique features.

thees matherboard people conecting to monitors and speekers, now over hdmi so vy cant use these bords.

Only for small servers.

Unique dn2800mt it is, gpu driver will by in future.



0 Kudos

The MeeGo driver sucks. 3d didn't work and only certain resolutions work. It designed for netbooks with small screens. It was a big waste of time setting that up.

0 Kudos

There is a ppa for cedarview on Ubuntu, You guys might want to see this

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