Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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GPU 100% DWM....


Hello all,


On a MSI Modern laptop since a few weeks I have the infamous GPU at 100% with DWM.exe

I tried all the usual tricks, latest driver, latest windows update and so on, of course it was working before and all of a sudden it was not working anymore without doing anything special, maybe there was a windows update or maybe there was a graphics driver update but nothing that I can remember

Here's a copy of the intel system report result in case it helps.

What can I try to solve this ?

Thanks for the help.



Report Date: Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Report Time [hh:mm:ss]: 10:51:02 AM
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Famille 10.0.19045
IGCC Version: 1.100.3408.0
Language: fr-FR
Physical Memory: 15.83 Go
Current Resolution: 1920x1080


Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz
Processor Speed: 2112  MHz
GFX Driver Name: Intel® UHD Graphics
Shader Version: 5.1
OpenCL* Version: 3.0
* Microsoft DirectX* *
Runtime Version: 12
Hardware-Supported Version: 12
Vendor ID: 8086
Device ID: 9B41
Device Revision: 02
GFX Driver Version:
Dedicated RAM: 0 Go
Shared RAM: 8 Go
Max Supported Displays: 3
GFX Vulcan: 1.3.215
GFX GOP: 9.0.1092


* Devices connected to the Graphics Accelerator *

Active Displays: 1


* Digital Display 1 *

Display Name: Affichage intégré
Display Type: Numérique
Serial Number: -
DDC2 Protocol: Pris en charge
Gamma: 2.2
Connector Type: DisplayPort

Maximum Image Size
Horizontal - 13.39 pouces
Vertical - 7.48 pouces

Supported Modes
1920 x 1080 (60p Hz)

Power Management Support

00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 06 AF ED 21 00 00 00 00
00 1A 01 04 A5 22 13 78 02 6E 85 93 58 58 92 28
1E 50 54 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
01 01 01 01 01 01 14 37 80 A6 70 38 2E 40 6C 30
AA 00 58 C1 10 00 00 18 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 FE 00 41
55 4F 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FE
00 42 31 35 36 48 41 4E 30 32 2E 31 20 0A 00 26


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4 Replies
Valued Contributor I

Have you tried downloading and installing the graphics driver from MSI? it may be customized which may work better on your system...

You should be able to find the driver on msi website using your laptop model...

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Hello and thanks for the reply


I've been playing with all drivers and nothing works but I've narrowed down the problem....

So latest intel driver (31 something) does nothing, MSI latest driver (26 something) does nothing, MS original driver (10 something) does nothing, all done with a driver removal before then a full install and so on....

however I have found that when watching a video flux (mpeg4) if it is encoded with the new LAV encoder it stutters and freezes and the GPU is at 100%, if I watch the same flux (some tv channel with football) and it is decoded with the old MS DVD DTV coded it works (but the picture quality sucks) with the GPU at 2-3%


It still freezes randomly on chrome while doing nothing specific, but the video flux I can reproduce all the time


So the question is how do I determine what difference in the GPU usage between this and that coded to narrow down the issues ?

Is there a way to COMPLETELY deactivate 3D from this GPU ? It is not going to be used as a gaming laptop and the most video intensive request will be to watch the occasional movie (VLC freezes a lot) and never play on it ?



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I have the exact same issue on my MSI.  My NVIDEA has 0% GPU and my Intel HD 100%.  I just deleted the Intel device in my device manager for now ...

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If you find what caused it let us know, I had weeks of trying this and that with the help of intel support (very reactive I must say, they tried everything) and ended up resetting windows.


Works like a charm since then so for me it was probably a Windows Update that killed it because I didn't really do anything exotic on this machine.....

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