Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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HD 4600 in i7-4770K with 2 monitors hangs coming out of sleep


I am having an annoying problem with the 4600 GPU that when the computer is brought out of sleep the screens are frozen for about 5 to 10 seconds and then a message appears that the 4600 driver has stopped working and has been restarted. The system runs pretty well until it goes to sleep again.

Another problem is the scaling does not, as MS says it should (Windows 81.), show the icons and text as the same size on each monitor regardless of its resolution. This with "Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays" NOT checked.

My configuration (5 monitors total with 3 different resolutions)

ALL drivers, Intel, ASUS, NVIDA are current (triple checked)

ALL MS updates are installed.

ASUS Sabertooth Z87 with i7-4770K (HD 4600 inside) with:

Windows 8.1 64 bit

One monitor 1440 X 2560 (main) on Display Port

One monitor 1080 X 1920 on HDMI

NOTE: SiSoft Sandra shows three HD Graphic adapter (for the three possible monitors I presume)

One shows 1.4 GB and other two show 32 MByte I don't know which one is assigned to the DP

NVIDA GeForce GT 430 (1st position slot)

one 1080 X 1920 monitor on DVI

one 2048 X 1152 monitor on HDMI (converter cable to DVI)

NVIDA GeForce GT 430 (2nd position slot)

one 2048 X 1152 monitor on DVI

This hanging problem grew worse when I put the 1140 X 2560 monitor to replace a 1080 X 1920 one.

Any help with making these problem go away? I see a number of complaints on the internet about the 4600 hanging and some are with ASUS and some with NVIDA.

4 Replies

Hi jgrob, I have some questions in regards of your issue:


Does the issue occur when only using Intel® HD Graphics 4600? (With the discrete graphics cards removed for troubleshooting purposes)

Are you using any adapter cables?

Please provide the power supply wattage or model, the Intel® HD Graphics report, and DxDiag report (press Windows* key + R key, type "dxdiag", press OK and then click "Save All Information") You may attach the files with the Advanced Editor.

You may want to check the following document: Graphics — Errors Reported By Microsoft*


Answering your questions and some update.

I have the latest ASUS Bios and the graphics settings are all "AUTO" except for the one required to have additional graphics GPUs installed.

I tried setting the memory available to the 4600 to maximum and that actually made it worse. I set it back to AUTO.

I do not do any overeclocking and run my computer with default BIOS configurations except for the drives and that one Graphic setting.

Important. I do have a Samsung 500GB SSD for the C: drive. Only the OS and the MS mandated stuff is on that. I keep all data on three other 3TB drives. But there are settings in the Samsung software to change the computer configuration to work best with the SSD. Settings:

Rapid Mode Enabled (uses some memory for cache)

Hibernation Mode is enabled.

Paging file is set to initial of 200MB and max of 1GB.

Indexing service is enabled

Write cache buffer is enabled

Write cache buffer flushing is enabled.

In power options, "Samsung High Performance" is active

The power supply is a Corsair HX850 (850 watt)

The only adapter I used was one HDMI to DVI cable and that was on one of the NVIDA cards.

I checked the document you referred me to and I have done everything they suggest and I have the latest .NET as well as the latest Intel driver from ASUS which is

I am now running with only two montors (both ASUS PB278 2560 X 1440 Rez). Both on the 4600, one Display Port and the other HDMI.

Problem still exists.

I removed the two NVIDA cards but I did not change the Bios setting to remove the external GPU checkbox or remove the NVIDA software and drivers.

I captured two DxDiag reports. One with 5 monitors and one with two montiors both on the 4600.

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Hi jgrob,

Thanks for the information; it has been very helpful for our research.

You mentioned before that the connections are HDMI and DP but are these direct connections? Are you using any passive or active adapter?

There are some other recommendations I would like you to try:

  1. Update the BIOS on your computer to latest.
  2. Install the monitor drivers.

Once you have done the previous two steps, can you also add here your graphics report?

How to get it?

Graphics Report: Right click on desktop> Graphics Properties> Options> Drop Down Menu> Information Center> Save> Open .txt file created> Copy/Paste here.

Kevin M

0 Kudos


I too seem to have this issue with HP zbook 15 G2 on Win8.1 x64. Seems ok on single built in display. Anyone get an answer on this? The zbook is completely up to date BIOS/drivers everything.

Info below..

Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

Report Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Report Time [hh:mm:ss]: 12:43:08 PM

Driver Version:

Operating System: Windows* 8.1 Enterprise (6.3.9600)

Default Language: English (United States)

Physical Memory: 16265 MB

Vendor ID: 8086

Device ID: 0416

Device Revision: 06

Video BIOS: 1028.0

Current Resolution: 1920 x 1080

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4810MQ CPU @ 2.80GHz

Processor Speed: 2794 MHz

Processor Graphics in Use: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

Shader Version: 5.0

OpenGL* Version: 0.0

OpenCL* Version: 1.2

* Microsoft DirectX* *

Runtime Version: 11.2

Hardware-Supported Version: 11.0

* Devices connected to the Graphics Accelerator *

Active Displays: 1

* Built-in Display *

Display Type: Digital

DDC2 Protocol: Supported

Gamma: 2.2

Connector Type: Embedded DisplayPort

Device Type: Built-in Display

Maximum Image Size

Horizontal Size: 13.39 inches

Vertical Size: 7.48 inches

Supported Modes

1920 x 1080 (60p Hz)

1920 x 1080 (40p Hz)


00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 0D AE C2 15 00 00 00 00

04 17 01 04 95 22 13 78 02 46 35 9E 57 57 94 27

14 50 54 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

01 01 01 01 01 01 B4 3B 80 4A 71 38 34 40 5A 3C

69 00 58 C2 10 00 00 1A CD 27 80 4A 71 38 34 40

5A 3C 69 00 58 C2 10 00 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02

00 0C 33 FF 0F 3C 96 21 14 33 96 00 00 00 00 70

* Other names and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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