Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21278 Discussions

HD 630 Whole screen sometimes jumps slightly to the right or the left



I've got the following issue.

Sometimes, the whole image that I've got on my screen (the windows desktop, the open applications, everything), moves slightly to the left or to the right. It takes the time of a wink and it doesn't move much more that one or two pixels, I believe.

It's nothing serious, but still annoying, weird and disturbing.

My computer is a self assembled one. I've got an Intel core I7-7700K processor ( which uses Intel HD Graphic 630). No other graphic card is installed. My motherboard is the Gigabyte GA-Z270-HD3P rev. 1.0. My monitor is a Philips 272B7QPJEB/00. It is connected to the motherboard through an HDMI cable. Everything is perfectly up to date, say the BIOS, Windows and the drivers.

Could it be an issue with the driver of the HD 630 ? Is anybody else experiencing the same ? I would be glad if there was a solution.

Best regards.

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17 Replies

Hello Pierrot,



Thank you for contacting us regarding the issue that you have been experiencing with our latest drivers (, I do apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause and I will do my best in order to help you out.


I would like to gather more information about the issue you are reporting. Please fill out the form that is in the following link and post it on this forum thread:




I am currently taking this thread as a reference to perform further investigation regarding the issue that you have been experiencing. As well for troubleshooting purposes, can you please manually delete the driver and install the version prior 4944?


Here you will find the link for the previous driver in the following link:


Please monitor the results and let us know if you keep on experiencing the same issue.



I hope to hear from you soon.



Best Regards,


Diego S.


0 Kudos

Hi Diego,

Thank you for your answer.

I'm very glad that your are willing to investigate this case.

First of all, if I understand well, the version of the driver that is installed on my system, which is, is not the last one !?!

However, when I run the Intel Driver and Support Assistant, it tells me my computer is up to date. By the way, I discovered that this assistant didn't execute itself in the last month, even if it should make a weekly check. So, apparently, this assistant doesn't work well. Could you help me with this issue too ?

Should I install another driver version ? Where can I find it ? Are you sure that it is suited to my system ?

Below, you'll find all the informations you did ask for. Actually, I must say that I find quit intrusive that the tools I had to use, collect some informations like the name of the computer, the IP adresses and the MAC adresses, without even warning about.

Best regards.



Answers (N/A if not applicable)


Provide a detailed description of the issue

The whole image of the screen moves slightly to the right or to the left (maybe one or two pixels), in the time of a wink.

Please place an X to the right of the option showing how often you see this issue using specific steps. (Ex: 'Every few times a game is started it flickers.' <- This would be "Often")</span>

Always (100%): X


It happens always when the computer is on, with any application. Maybe once an hour.

Often (51-99%):

Sporadic (20-50%):

Very Sporadic (<20%): </span>

Hardware (HW)

Brand and Model of the system.

Self built computer.


Motherboard : Gigabyte GA-Z270-HD3P rev. 1.0


Processor : Intel Core I7-7700K

Hybrid or switchable graphics system?


ie Does it have AMD or NV graphics too?

I'm not sure to understand the question. I'm using the HD 630 graphic card that comes with the processor. No other graphic card is installed.

Make and model of any Displays that are used to see the issue (see note2 below). 

LFP =...
0 Kudos

Hi Diego,

I just want to make sure you've seen my previous message.

I'm awaiting your response.

Best regards.

0 Kudos

Hello Pierrot,


Thank you your response.


I was taking a look to the report that you attached to us, we really appreciate it.


I was able to notice that your computer has an Intel® Core™ i7-7700K CPU that uses Intel® HD Graphics 630 as you mentioned before. The drivers currently installed on your machine are which seems to be out of date since the latest version is


You can find the latest drivers for your graphics controller here:


Feel free to go ahead and download our .exe file in order to update your drivers and monitor the results since we think that it could be part of your issue


Regarding our Intel® Driver & Support Assistant please go ahead and uninstall the version that you currently have and give a try to this one which is the latest one:


Instructions for launching:


Uninstall any previous versions.


Download and save locally on your device.


Double-click Intel® Driver & Support Assistant Installer.exe file.


Read and agree to the license terms and conditions


Select Install.


Click Launch button; the tray icon will start and automatically opens default browser


Please let us know the results.



I really hope to hear from you soon.


Best Regards,


Diego S.


0 Kudos

Hi Diego,

Thank you for your help.

I've installed HD Graphics 630 driver, but unfortunately, it didn't fix my "screen jumping" issue.

I did uninstall the Driver and support assistant. This uninstallation fixed a problem I had with my antivirus that wasn't working well (real time protection didn't start or it didn't show well it was started). I already had other problems with the Driver support assistant when I began using it with my computer in November 2017. So now , I'm quite reluctant to test the new version. Maybe I'll try again in a couple of month. In between I will install manually the updates.

I've got a couple of questions regarding the drivers. I would be glad if you could help.

  • I can see in the Device Manager, that there is the Intel 300 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller installed, version from 12.10.2017. Could you confirm me that it is the last version ? On the site of Gigabyte (my motherboard manufacturer, support-dl support-dl), I can see two possible matching downloads. Either Intel Rapid Storage technology or Intel SATA Preinstall driver. Could you please tell me which one of the two corresponds to the one I see in the Device manager and if I should install the other one or not ?
  • I've got Intel Management Engine Interface installed with version from 3.10.2017. I believe it's the last version, but could you confirm this to me ? I have a doubt because the site of Gigabyte says last version would be from 30.11.2017. But I believe it's a mistake.
  • On the site of Gigabyte there is a download called Intel LAN driver, version 22.10. I did install but, I couldn't see it nowhere in the Device manager. As I did a new install of Windows, I would like to check if it's still installed. Could you please tell me where it appears it the Device manager or how I can check it is installed ?
  • I have got the same question for Intel INF Installation which is listed on the Gigabyte site, which I had installed, which doesn't appear in the device manager and for which I would check if it is installed.
  • I can't see these drivers one the web site of Intel. Did I make a mistake or are they only available through my motherboard manufacturer ?
  • In the device manager, the way the HD Graphics 360 driver is numbered has changed from (on the Intel web site) to I had already noted similar changes for other drivers. Could you explain the reason of this change ? Actually I find it quite disturbing. It would be easier and more user friendly if the numbers would be the same for Windows and for the driver's provider. Same remark for the dates. Often it happens date the driver's date of a same version, aren't the same.

Best regards.

0 Kudos

Hello Pierrot,


Thank you for your reply and the information provided, it was extremely helpful in order to provide you with assistance on your issue.


In order to answer your questions, I will follow the same sequence that you used so we can be on the same page:


-In this case the right one would be Intel ® Rapid Storage Technology, and based on your description you already have the latest version.


-For the Intel Management Engine Interface you will need to contact directly Gigabyte, since they customize this app in order to be fully compatible with you board. They will be able to tell you what the latest version is and how to verify that.


-The Lan Driver refers to the network adapter which is under device manager> network adapters.


-Regarding the Intel ® INF, please go to device manager, look for system devices and make sure you do not have any exclamation mark. Please let us know if you have one.


- Most of them yes, are available only with your motherboard manufacturer and can be found on their webpage, since we have generic drivers; Gigabyte customizes those drivers in order to be exclusive.


-Please refer to


The link above will tell you what's the difference between our generic drivers and the OEM drivers.


In this case, regarding the jumping screen issue, you will need to contact Gigabyte as shared before so you can try the customized graphic drivers for your machine, please let us know the outcome.


I hope to hear from you soon.


Best Regards.


Diego S.


0 Kudos

Hi Diego,

Thanks for your help.

I've installed the graphic driver from the Gigabyte's site. Unfortunately, I still have the jumping screen issue.

Best regards.

0 Kudos

Hello Pierrot,


Thank you for our response. I really appreciate it.


In this case, can you please go ahead and try to boot your machine in safe mode?


This way we can tell if you are experiencing and issue with drivers, or even the registry of your OS.


Here you will find how to do it:


Please do it and monitor the results so you can let us know the outcome.



I hope this helps,


Best Regards.


Diego S.


0 Kudos

Hi Diego,

Thanks a lot for your help.

I'll try the safe mode as soon as I can.

Inbetween I've got a question. Windows update proposes me to install a new software update which is "Intel Corporation - Display - 2/28/2018 -

Should I install it ?

If it's a graphic driver, I would rather think it's a mistake, because the version number is absolutely not the same that the HD 630 graphics driver that is suited to my system.

What do you think ?

Best regards.

0 Kudos

Hello Pierrot,

Thank you for your response.


Intel Corporation - Display - 2/28/2018 - is an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) version of the latest graphic drivers.


Since you already installed the latest generic drivers from Intel, there is no need to do it again.


I will keep an eye on your thread so I hope to hear from you soon.


Best regards,

Diego S.

0 Kudos

Hi Diego,

I really appreciate your help.

First, one more information : I installed the display driver that was proposed through Windows update and I still get the same jumping screen issue.

A propos testing this issue in safe mode, I understand the purpose very well. But the fact is that my screen is not jumping more often than once an hour or so, that it does it in a wink and that it's almost impossible to work in the safe mode. So I realized, I should sit there, staring at the screen of my computer for at least one hour, almost doing nothing… I can't do this and even if I could, I could hardly guarantee the rightness of my observations.

I hope you understand and we may solve this issue otherwise.

Best regards.

0 Kudos

Hello Pierrot



Thank you your response.


In this case yes, I totally understand your point.


There are few things that we can try. Have you tried to delete/uninstall the graphic drivers from device manager? Please give it a try and monitor the results.


If the issue is gone after uninstalling the graphic drivers, something on the registry of your OS could be corrupted.


At that point I could recommend a Restore from a system restore point:


However if the issue persists, there could be a damage on graphic portion of your CPU, and the best option would be a CPU replacement, if that's the case I strongly suggest you to get in touch with you local warranty online center after checking the markings and the warranty for your unit so you can look for a replacement.


You can complete the whole process here:



As shared before it all depends on the results of the troubleshooting, so I really hope to hear from you soon.


Best regards,


Diego S.


0 Kudos

Hi Diego,

Thanks for your help.

I'll try the uninstallation of the graphic driver as soon as I can. Before, just to make sure I understand well, the goal is to restart the computer without the graphic driver installed, right ? If you're suggesting this, it means that I'll still be able to see Windows and other application working, even if no graphic driver is installed !?!

In between, I tried to change the refreshment rate settings in the control panel. It was set on 59p Hz and I changed it for 60p Hz. With this new setting, my screen jumping issue is still there, but much less noticeable. Does this suggests anything to you ?

I would also like to inform you that I've got another driver installed, which is related to graphics. It's the driver of my monitor and it appears in the device manager under "Monitors". Do you think it could be involved in this issue ?

Best regards.

0 Kudos

Hi again Diego,

I have one more question in addition to my last message.

Ho should I do to uninstall the driver ? Go to the Device manager and click on "Uninstall the device" as shown below ?

Would "Deactivate the device" do the same ? It would be better for me because it would avoid and new downloading and installation of the driver.

Best regards

0 Kudos

Hello Pierrot,


Thank you for your reply


Here you will find all the instructions on how to uninstall the Intel® Graphics Drivers:


-Windows® 10: Press the Windows key and the X key together, select Device Manager.


-Expand the Display Adapters section.


-Find the Intel Graphics Driver. The driver can also be called the Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator Driver (Intel® GMA Driver).


-Right-click the Intel Graphics Driver and select Uninstall.


-Select the check box Delete the driver software for this device.


-Restart the computer after uninstall process has finished.


If the issue persists you can try another cable as a last step, however at this point it seems that there is damage on the graphic portion of your CPU, and the best option would be a CPU replacement, if that's the case as shared before I strongly suggest you to get in touch with you local warranty online center after checking the markings and the warranty of your unit so you can look for a replacement.


You can complete the whole process here:



I hope this helps,


Best Regards,


Diego S.


0 Kudos

Hi Diego,

I did try to uninstall the HD 630 driver, but it reinstalled automatically after reboot.

So, finally, I did the test in safe mode : the jumping screen issue is still there.

I tried to connect my monitor with a DVDI-D to HDMI cable and with a VGA cable I had left : with both of them, the jumping screen issue is still there.

So, I will follow your suggestion and go for a CPU replacement. I already made the demand, but I'll wait until after Easter to send the processor, in order to minimize the

time I won't get able to use my computer.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards.

0 Kudos

Hi Diego,

I would like to report that this case is solved.

Actually my Monitor has a called Pixel orbiting function, which purposely moves regulary the whole image of the screen of one pixel, in order to avoid burn-in of a static image.

I did activate this option when I bought the Monitor, but did completely forget about it, and didn't thought it could be noticeable.

Again many thanks for your help. The support I had from you guys at Intel was very efficient and really helped me on my way to find this solution. I appreciated very much.

Best regards.

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