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HD6000 3D Blu ray performance issue


Using PowerDVD 15 I am seeing inconsistent playback of 3D blu ray. When I start a 3D movie (TV is a Vizio M801D-A3; 1080p/24Hz; frame-packing), the image may distort frequently and cause an image that appears to almost look like its viewed underwater. Depth of the image is also incorrect for seemingly random parts of the image. If I then pause the movie for a few seconds, or back up to the beginning of the chapter, the issue so far resolves itself, but sometimes it takes a few tries to do so.

This seems like a driver bug. I did not have this issue using PowerDVD 15 with Nvidia graphics on my previous build. Attached is my Intel system profile and dxdiag report if that helps. I'd appreciate any assistance.


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153 Replies

Strange..I have watched a number of 3D movies and didn't notice any signs of choppiness or stuttering. I'm using MPC-BE with madVR for my 2D and 3D playback. Side by side comparisons of these look the same to me. Also 23.976 refresh rate is close to perfect with Intel. Also I am playing full 3D Disc iso files and not any side-by-side or Top-bottom files found on the internet if that could be the reason for what you are seeing.

Maybe there is a specific movie that you can suggest (If I have it) and I can compare playback in 3D and 2D.

I also have a mede8er as an alternative for 3D playback and I can use that to compare as well. Preliminary observations of comparing mede8er to madVR with Intel's playback looks identical to me (of course madVR looks better quality wise compared to mede8er by a small margin).

EDIT: I should also add that I'm displaying on a 110 inch diagonal screen with projector (Benq W7500). So usually I am very sensitive to motion judder/choppiness or stuttering.

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I don't no why I am seeing this stutter or choppiness on smooth panning scenes, but it is definitely there. I am using Kodi Krypton with the 3D MVC modification on my intel NUC streaming unmodified Blu-ray rips from my MacPro over an SMB local network. My display is an LG OLED (65EF9500). The 3D format is native MVC. The video stutter is very prominent on my display even though the 3D picture is better. To test out that the problem is with this Beta Driver I then reloaded the old graphics driver from 6/1/2016 to see if the choppy picture was visible under that driver. And I as expected, the 3D picture is bad, but the video playback is smooth!

So again, there must be something wrong with the current driver that needs fine tuning.

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I'm not seeing it on my end. I tested 3D with mede8er on the same scenes and it matches what I'm getting with the new beta driver. I wonder if the use of madVR vs Kodi and the new beta driver have something to do with it. Either way, if it is an issue with the driver and your rig, I hope Intel will fix this so it works on everyone's setups.

I'm considering myself lucky then that everything is working flawlessly for me. I'll stop now and not jinx my setup

Hopefully more people will chime in if they are seeing similar issues as you with the beta driver.

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I have a NUC5I3RYH. With the new drivers it is still like i am watching a movie underwater. I am using powerdvd ultra 15. Anything with fast motion/panning hurts my eyes to watch. I have had this PC since May and im getting to the point where it is time to order a zbox with a nvidia chip installed.

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New Contributor I

Just to give you an update on my testing:

  • Updating BIOS and other drivers didn't help
  • Finally getting the updates for Win 10 anniversary edition to actually update didn't help
  • Trying to watch 3D Blu Rays Discs (not mkv/iso files) has the same watery issue as before (maybe a bit better, I can't be sure) -- this is with PowerDVD 16. It always switches my projector to 3D 24p (which I believe is the right thing to do), and it is still hurts my eyes to watch. I've noted before that a good way to get a headache is to test with the Marvel logo animation at the beginning of any Marvel movie. Yes it's supposed to blend different comic scenes together quickly, but as it pans horizontally it looks like slow/noticeable redraws of the screen from one side to the other. (Thus the "water" effect.)
  • I have tried Kodi 3D, and the water effect seems to go away for the most part, but it's got stutter and doesn't fit my screen properly. It sets my projector to 3D 30p which seems odd. My guess is the stutter is caused by the frame-rate requiring some kind of interpolation.

I have a cheat that I've been using for a while now, but I can only use it for under/over or side-by-side videos, not 3D Blu Ray discs. I simply play the video in 2D on the NUC and set my projector to 3D u/o or sbs (which changes it to 3D 60p - my guess is it's doing some 3:2 pulldown for me). Then I can watch 3D movies perfectly fine (no stutter, no water whatsoever), but it's because my projector is doing all the heavy lifting. Unfortunately, with a Blu Ray Disc, I'm at the mercy of software (in this case PowerDVD) to do the decryption and control the video settings on my projector.


  • Watching 3D Blu Ray Discs with PowerDVD 16 (latest with all updates) at 24p (which should be the correct setting) does not work for me with the latest drivers, still same water effect
  • Watching any under/over or side-by-side 3D videos still have same water effect with PowerDVD, and more like stuttering issues with Kodi 3D
  • The last thing I'll try when I have time is to do a fresh install of pre-anniversary windows 10 to see if that makes any difference
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New Contributor I

Well I just blew my evening trying to debug this further, and now I'm giving up.

I did a fresh install of Windows 10 1511 (pre-anniversary). I installed basic drivers and beta video driver. Installed PowerDVD and Kodi.

The result: Still the same issues. (PowerDVD at 24p is watery, Kodi does 30p and is choppy but not watery)

For fun, I uninstalled the beta and re-installed the latest official driver for this NUC.

The result: Same as above. i.e. the beta driver had no effect

TO INTEL: Can you please test with PowerDVD and 24p? Blu Ray 3D movies are 24p. Maybe you didn't test 24p?

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Hi all,

My experience with the new drivers (win64_154028.4501.exe) on a NUC6i5SYH with Win 10 64

After installation and reboot, watching an iso...

- With PowerDVD 14, the same water effect as before.

- With MPC-HC, LAV 0.98.1, madvr 0.90.24, the image is blinking as hell. In fact, only right eye is blinking, left one, the image is ok. Unwatchable...

But, if I move the mouse down, the seek bar appears and then the 3D is perfect. Just move the mouse up, the seek bar disapear and blinking is back.

I tried the latest official driver for the NUC ( but same water effect with both player.

I reinstalled version 4501 and same behaviour as first above.

Bhoran, we have the same NUC (H instead of K) but different behaviour, I don't know why

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If Kodi does 30p something is not right with your Kodi settings. Make sure you have 'Adjust display rate on start/stop' activated, otherwise Kodi will take your regular settings from the Windows display settings panel (which should be set to 1920x1080 and 3D turned on). This forces Kodi to switch the display/projector to the frame rate of the movie.

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Wow...hearing these complaints, I'm just glad mine is working perfectly. For those interested here are my specs:

Windows 10 (Home Edition)


MPC-BE (v1.5 - Build 1724)

MadVR v.0.90.22


I installed the Beta driver (listed in this thread). I downloaded and ran the .zip file and after restart, I verified the drivers were updated in the Intel Grahphics Properties panel.

I can confirm for whatever reason, 3D is playing perfectly with my setup. 3D motion matches what I see in mede8er (which always played 3D perfectly). No "water effect", no "breaking of 3D", no stuttering/motion artifacts. Intel plays at the correct frame rate of 23.976 and no dropped frames or micro stutters.

Obviously this is not workign for everyone else, so I hope Intel can fix this for everyone.

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Hi Bhoran,

Do you have special setting for madvr/mpc-be or just default ?

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New Contributor I

Hey thanks Cooper for the tip on Kodi.

I set Kodi to automatically match the frame rate of the video. This (along with setting hardware as the 3D decode setting) did indeed change my display to 24p. This at least shows that 24p is the right rate and PowerDVD was making the right decision.

When I first started playing the video in Kodi things looked good. I could tell right away the water effect was gone. However, the moment I started jumping around the video it randomly lost or regained sync. By lost sync, I mean the water effect reappeared. I've seen this behavior before in PowerDVD, so nothing really new here.

Even if I got this to work, it still isn't a solution to watching 3D Blu Ray discs, which really is where my beef is, as I can make my projector take care of sbs and u/o videos by itself.

Cooper, could you do me a favour? Could you download the PowerDVD 16 trial and run videos through that (it doesn't have to be a blu ray disc, it plays everything). When it starts playing a sbs or u/o video all you need to do is click on the 3D button and forcibly choose sbs or u/o and it will switch to 3D mode. If you consistently get non-watery playback, there is hope!!!

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arapaz: My mad VR settings are very specific for different types of media. I have setup profiles for 1080p, 720p etc... But my profile for 3D is very basic. I don't think the type of scaling algo I'm using has anything to do with the breakage of 3D. With the old dirver I too had the watery effect and breaking fo 3D. MadVR has stayed the same. The only change made was installing the new beta driver from Intel. With that, like magic ALL my 3d issues went away. I'm wondering now if the version of windows has anything to do with it when the engineers were testing their fix?

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I can try tomorrow, I don't have any SBS or TaB videos but a huge collection of 3D blu rays

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Sadly the trial version of PowerDVD 16 doesn't support BD 3D playback. So I tried it with a 1to1 MKV-MVC rip of 'The Martian' - basically the same like the BD just without all the extras and stuff. Water effect still there, sometimes after skipping it works but most of the time unwatchable. Then I tried the trial of Corel's WinDVD Pro 11 - same result. The 3D branch of Kodi did the job perfectly, only thing I recognized is that if you heavily skip around you might get audio out of sync.

Still, some here said that video looks 'choppy' - I'm not quite sure but I think they're right, at least regular 2D content especially on panning scenes seems not to be as smooth as with the 4424 version. I don't know how to exactly describe it and it might even be in my imagination (as it's very subtle) but the 4501 definitely isn't working with the above programs. It's very disappointing that an advertised basic feature like this isn't working. In the long term I wanted to replace my BD player with the NUC, right now it rather seems that my next HTPC will be a solution with an external graphics adapter like nVidia, they have no problem at all with this.

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New Contributor I


You're attempt at a fix was disappointing. You still do not support playing 3D Blu Ray Discs which should be the core focus of your 3D video capability. Instead, you gave us something that seems to sort of work in certain situations, regresses others, or otherwise does nothing.

You did nothing for months and then suddenly said you were able to reproduce the problem but still took months to release a "fix". Your "fix" came without asking for feedback/beta testing, so we assumed you knew what you were doing and this was going to solve all of our problems - you built up our hopes. Had you worked with us in testing a patch I would have no issues, but instead you kept silent and the "fix" was found indirectly in a beta driver with no real announcement.

I think at this point I want to know how to get a full refund for my NUC. To those of us using the NUC as an HTPC, this advertised feature is a key requirement. You either can't fix the problem because it's a hardware issue you don't want to admit, or you don't want to give it the attention it deserves and work with the community.

I know these words are harsh, but we've been trying to work with you for almost a year (a year!), and have barely gotten anywhere.

Bryce@Intel (or anyone else from Intel): What can you do to re-open and expedite the defect and get us support and real interaction with the developer?

To the community: If any of you have switched, what other NUC-like products have you moved to that work well as an HTPC and support 3D properly? Also, I hate to say this, but should we start thinking of letting media outlets know about this false advertising?

Again, my apologies for my tone, but hopefully you can understand the frustration a lot of us have been facing.


Yes, it's all very disappointing. I especially bought the NUC because i thought I would get the perfect HTPC. This really should be embarrassing for a company like Intel who claim to be the leader in microprocessor manufacturing but can't deliver a working driver for their own machines.

Most NUC like products use Intel graphics so basically you're stuck with the same problem regardless of the manufacturer. I will most probably switch at some point to one of the Shuttle Cubes, still small enough for my TV rack but they have a slot for a graphics adapter like a Nvidia gt-730 which has no trouble with basic core features, or you can go for a larger one with hdmi 2.0 and hdcp 2.2.

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Sorry to hear this guys. The only issue with Nvdia is it doesn't do 23.976fps accurately like Intel, so a lot of the 23.976 movies will have micro stutters/dropped frames. Setting up a Custom refresh rate will minimize this for 2D but NOT for 3D since you can't setup custom refresh rates for 3D.

I was paranoid after reading this forum, so I spent the whole day today testing 3D. I have now played a LOT of 3D full movies non stop to see if there are any issues and miraculously this driver fix WORKS with madVR for me. I have compared motion and everything else I could think of to compare with my mede8er player and I can 100% confirm that 3D motion is identical between the two no subtle stuttering or any of the such with the new driver and madVR. There is also no watery effect or 3D breakage like before.

Now I wonder, what is it about the fix that Intel did that made it work with madVR but not Cyberlink Power DVD?

I really hope Intel can fix this for everyone else soon.

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The only issue with Nvdia is it doesn't do 23.976fps accurately like Intel, so a lot of the 23.976 movies will have micro stutters/dropped frames. Setting up a Custom res will minimize this for 2D but NOT for 3D.

Seriously? That's even worse. I thought Nvidia would have solved that problem with it's graphic cards by now and just would have that problem with their Shield media player. As the majority of movies is 2D I guess I'll stay with Intel then until this is resolved.

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As I said before, the new driver doesn't work correctly with madVR on my NUC.

No water effect, but a one eye blink like hell, except when the seekbar is diplayed (Fullscreen mode)

Intel needs to continue tests and corrections...

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So for the heck of it I even went back to Windows 8.1 and tried PowerDVD 15 and 16 with the same water effect. I supposed next will be to go back to 10 and setup Kodi and see what results I have. Either way its ridiculous that PowerDVD can't be used because of a broken driver over a year old.

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So I have tried win 8.1, windows 10 pre and post anniversary update with powerdvd 15 and 16 with NO success. Last shot was to install windows 10, update all the drivers with the most recent beta, and run the June 30th build of Kodi from the Kodi MVC/3D forums with their recommended settings. SUCCESS!

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