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21308 Discussions

Intel 4600 - EDID Issues


We have many HP Digital Signage players running your 4600 Graphics chip. We have an issue we would like a little help with please and know what we need to achieve as we already do something very similar but on players with the AMD chips sets. We need to be able to write to the system registry the EDID information for the display attached to the player. The situation we have is, if a customer puts their screen to standby bode over night and then turns it back on the the morning that this caused a momentary loss of the EDID transmission between the display and the player. This minimizes the actual software player and no content is displayed until the player software is maximized or the player rebooted.

The ability to write the EDID into directly to the Windows registry has overcome this in the AMD based players we have for our customers.

Can you have someone contact me regarding this please.

Many Thanks.

Ricahrd Hyde

5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hello 10netRicahrdH,

Thank you for joining the Intel communities.

We have seen customers who want to implement this EDID, in this case you may want o check this information at the following thread:


Best wishes,


0 Kudos

I do signage too. We have far too many Gefen EDID emulators deployed and I don't like them at all, they die mysteriously.

EDID issues with the HD 4600 just bit me in an interesting way too. (At least it is not the disaster that DP brings on.)

Monitor in standby mode does NOT return an EDID (think AQUOS, low power standby)

STB powers up, gets no EDID, assumes 1024*768, starts playing just fine.

STB turns monitor on, gets 3840*2160, but player software ignores this. Some hours later, content starts, WMV's (just full HD but still.)

Memory leaks from the driver caused by the player software, 8 GB disappears in about 15 minutes, player crashes but system does not recover.

Trivially reproducible with our software -.- Just ignore WM_DISPLAYCHANGE

The reverse does not happen though, once the graphics driver has an EDID, it will hold onto it when the monitor is turned off and disappears. Our player does not care.

This also does not happen if the monitor is on when the STB boots. It really appears that WM_DISPLAYCHANGE is the instigator.

I would like some sort of "keep this EDID" (export/import) ommand I can send remotely so we can completely ignore what the monirot does and not have the player fall over.

I would probably consider homicide for a version that did this for DP, hot-plug there causes more problems than it solves.

Of course, I would be happy to have this massive memory leak fixed, but first I need to know how to prove it is the graphics driver leaking.

Oh, Windows Embedded Standard 8.1 Industry Pro using i7-4700EQ's. Quite a few of these now.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


Thank you for the information you have kindly provided, at this point I suggest to check the information at the link I posted above.

Best wishes,


0 Kudos

Were cancelling our latest HP Order if the HP-MP9-G2 players because of this issue and the total procrastination of Intel giving us a fix. Were swapping to an iBase unit with AMD drivers. This has total EDID control via the graphics drive software. The demo unit works like a hot damn….

All in all we get way more hiccups with Intel Display graphics signage players than other. The total package is lovely mind you but the support time for intel compared to AMD is what we see the major time saving in.

RH, BC Canada

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi 10netRicahrdH,

I'm sorry for any inconvenience with this, at this point I suggest posting your concern at the following link since this was already escalated through that thread:


Best wishes,


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