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[Intel HD Graphics] Windows XP randomly BSOD's due to igxprd32 driver


A newly installed Windows XP SP3 with all updates installed quite randomly and quite often BSOD's (crashes) in the newest Intel driver (

I'm not running any graphical (3d) applications. I have an Intel Core i5 530 CPU.

For the last two hours I've already had three crashes. Three minidumps can be downloaded here.

Update: the crashes most often occur when I'm working in Miscrosoft Visio 2003. The computer also crashes in Mozilla Firefox 3.6.12.

Message was edited by: Artem Tashkinov

5 Replies

I wonder who's answering e-mail requests:

Intel provides generic versions of the Intel(R) graphics drivers for general purposes through the Intel Download Center. However, your computer manufacturer may have altered the features, incorporated customizations, or made other changes to the graphics driver software or software packaging that they provide for your computer. To avoid any potential installation incompatibilities on your computer, Intel recommends that you first check with your computer manufacturer and use the driver software provided by your computer manufacturer.



To download the latest generic driver from the Intel Download Center, visit:



If those "Blue Screens Of Death" happen only when Microsoft* Visio* 2003 is opened, you may need to check with Microsoft* for any patches or updates.


You can also, remove and reinstall the application for testing purposes.

I have never recieved such a "profound" off-the-shelf answer, please, do not send people such atrocities in the future. It might enrage them to death.

1) User applications cannot by theory crash OS via its graphics drivers. If it happens then most likely graphicals drivers are to be blamed.


2) This piece of hardware is intended to be run by genuine Intel drivers (as all Intel Core i3/i5 CPUs contain identical GPU).

0 Kudos

Here comes the first bump.

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Valued Contributor III

So maybe if you provide some useful information, some one might be able to assist you?

After all, this is a USERS forum. A lot of the moderators are Intel folks that know quite a bit, but a lot of the inputs come from users.

Mini Dumps are nice as long as someone is willing to go to an unknown site and download unknown files and load them into their system so they can read the message that was likely displayed on your screen or is in your event log.

If it was not for the fact that this is a virtualized crash and kill system, I would not touch your downloads.

----- 32 bit Kernel Mini Dump Analysis



MajorVersion 0000000f


MinorVersion 00000a28


DirectoryTableBase 61bb3000


PfnDataBase 81043000


PsLoadedModuleList 805634c0


PsActiveProcessHead 80569658


MachineImageType 0000014c


NumberProcessors 00000004


BugCheckCode 000000ea


BugCheckParameter1 8680e268


BugCheckParameter2 86a02e98


BugCheckParameter3 87e8dc98


BugCheckParameter4 00000001


PaeEnabled 00000000


KdDebuggerDataBlock 805532e0


MiniDumpFields 00000cff




ServicePackBuild 00000300


SizeOfDump 00010000


ValidOffset 0000fffc


ContextOffset 00000320


ExceptionOffset 000007d0


MmOffset 00000000


UnloadedDriversOffset 00000000


PrcbOffset 000012f8


ProcessOffset 00001f48


ThreadOffset 000021a8


CallStackOffset 00002400


SizeOfCallStack 0000082c


DriverListOffset 00002c30


DriverCount 00000081


StringPoolOffset 00005280


StringPoolSize 000011b8


BrokenDriverOffset 00000000


TriageOptions 00000000


TopOfStack b8a3c7d4


DebuggerDataOffset 00001068


DebuggerDataSize 00000290


DataBlocksOffset 00006438


DataBlocksCount 00000001


Windows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 3) MP (4 procs) Free x86 compatible


Kernel base = 0x804d7000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x805634c0


Debug session time: Sat Oct 23 03:51:33 2010


System Uptime: 0 days 4:28:24


start end module name


804d7000 806ff000 nt Checksum: 0021A5B7 Timestamp: Tue Apr 27 06:54:14 2010 (4BD6EC86)

Mini Kernel Dump does not contain unloaded driver list


Unable to examine unloaded module list


Finished dump check

Who's hardware are you running? Have the drivers you are using been tested on that product?

Vendors do edit the drivers for quirks in their hardware, Running a generic driver can cause the issues you are seeing.

As far as a BugCheckCode 000000ea

You either have 1) bad driver, 2) bad hardware 3) bad ram. or a bad program looping the video

0 Kudos

It's not really my problem, it's my friend who has this issue so I created this thread on his behalf.

As for you investigation - thank you for pointing me out what I already know, I've already (win)dbg'ed these crash dumps and already found out this crash is due to an infinite loop in graphics drivers. Alas, you haven't showed that, but dbg clearly shows that the system stuck in Intel drivers.

As for you suggesstion of using vendor supplied drivers: the laptop crashes with original Dell drivers.

As for you suggestion that maybe some of my hardware is faulty: no, we've run memtest for a while, also I ran some CPU intensive applications (which test system stability) - non of them has showed any anomalies or problems, so it's very likely my hardware is not faulty.

The system is otherwise rock solid and doesn't crash.

0 Kudos

Crashes also occur in Mozilla Firefox 3.6.12:

"The display driver igxprd32 has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to report this failure to Microsoft."

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