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Intel hd graphics 3000?!?


Yea i just wanna ask you intel people why this graphics card sucks so bad? I mean i bought it in a macbook pro 13" 2011, when i was playing a game, yea it had LOOOWW frame rate. And when i tried it on my friends mbp 13" 2010, containing NVIDIA 256MB graphics card, compared to intel hd graphics 3000 (384MB) , it had NO LAG. So please, I have been waiting for a driver for this graphics card. So I hope you guys will make one which will improve performance, as your last driver was 13 of April. PLEASE, Intel.

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31 Replies


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I'm not from Intel, but as you know this integrated graphics are not designed to playing games they are to weak for this, they are very good for viewing desktop watching movies Blu-Ray's etc.

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Try the latest drivers, the 2509. I know the hardware limits will prevent it from being better than the 320m but it shouldn't lag so far behind.

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You still not understand that amount of graphic memory didn't indicate how much 3D graphic performance. You can use Google to seach and learn what I say. Hope that will make you smarter.

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their quote, not mine their boasting...

Visually stunning graphics

Intel® HD Graphics,1 simplifies your designs by eliminating additional discrete graphics hardware, while integrating stunning visuals and performance for immersive2 gaming. That's because the graphics engine and media processing in 2nd generation Intel® Core™ i3, Core™ i5, and Core™ i7 processors are integrated right on the processor. Intel® HD Graphics delivers up to 3X performance over previous-generation Intel® HD Graphics2,3,4 – with additional headroom for future graphics applications. Plus, it integrates advanced 3D processing for stunning visual experiences.

future graphics, I dont see is as they cant run the present graphics... advanced 3D dont see that either, unless you look at their previous attempts... Now if their not supported by new games when do I see the stunning visual expereiences... Why eliminate discrete graphics hardware cost? Cause Intel HD can't run new games and have yet to see the stunning visuals or performance, pfft my ps3 from 2006 does better then these graphics...

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oh oh this is their boasting ...

Intel® HD Graphics includes these innovative features and benefits:

  • Accelerated graphics processing takes advantage of shared last-level cache between the processor and graphics.
  • Intel® 32nm process technology throughout, delivers higher performance and better energy efficiency.
  • Faster 3D rendering and more complex shading create more responsive and realistic 3D gaming.
  • Intel® HD Graphics 3000 delivers immersive and casual mainstream gaming capabilities with entry-level discrete graphics card performance without an additional graphics card or chip.
  • Intel® HD Graphics 2000 delivers casual mainstream gaming capabilities without an additional graphics card or chip.

You know I'm not seeing it...

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In some cases the issue with a game not working on Intel graphics is not Intel's fault. Example:

PES games incorrectly detect the amount of graphics memory available on systems with integrated graphics - this is a bug in the game. Integrated graphics solutions have access to up to half of the system ram (e.g. 1.7GB on a 4GB win7 system) - reported as "Total video memory". The amount of memory that is reported as "Dedicated" on integrated graphics is actually a very small portion that is taken (aka "stolen") at boot for the driver to use for internal bookkeeping purposes. Unfortunately, the developers of PES didn't understand that and so they assume that there is only 64MB of graphics memory available. There is nothing Intel can do to "workaround" this issue other than work with the developer - which they apparently did ...

This issue fixed in a recent PES 2012 patch (2.01)- see video on youtube here:

As far as I know no patch is available for earlier PES versions. Same bug exists in Grand Theft Auto IV. On some systems, it is possible to configure the amount of "stolen" video memory higher via BIOS settings which will satisfy PES 2009-2011 and GTA IV.

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Oh, and for all the people who are sure that "Intel graphics suck" - do some youtube searches - Intel HD 3000 plays the following at 1366x768 @ medium or better settings: Rage, Call of Duty games, Elder Scrolls:Skyrim, Portal 2, Mass Effect series, Dead Space, Far Cry 2, Starcraft2, WoW:Cataclysm, Left 4 Dead, Dirt 2/3, Bulletstorm, F1, Rift, Hard Reset,Duke Nukem Forever, Resident Evil, WarHammer:Space Marine, Medal of Honor, Driver: San Fransisco, Need For Speed World & Shift, Gears of War, Stalker, Amnesia, Borderlands, Devil May Cry IV, Fear 2/3, Bioshock 1&2, Fifa 2011, Flight Simulator X, Grid, Split Second, Blur.

Heck, if you are ok with low settings, you can play Metro 2033, Crysis/Crysis2, Assassin's Creed, NFS:Hot Pursuit, among others. And of course it plays older/casual games great.

The fact that PES has bugs is not Intel's fault...

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I dont want to play the old games, I want to play the new games... like Battlefield 3... I believe my computer can run it... if INTEL would get support for their products, I believe they dropped the ball with EA games... Low setting would be fine but when an admin says I should call the game developers to get support, thats crap... Intel should have had this done when the game was in beta... and in beta it was playable with Intel HD... I am still waiting for INTEL to stand up and do their job... SUPPORT for the end user...

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Regarding Performance Improvements:

Your original post (Aug 30) was about when drivers would be released that improved performance - as David C1 points out, Intel released new drivers that include perf improvements: (Released Sep 3) - release notes specifically mention performance improvements

There is also a more recent driver: (Released Oct 27)

Regarding Recent Games:

You say here that you want to play modern games. Perhaps you should read my post more closely: CoD:MW3, Elder Scrolls V, Rage, Hard Reset, Fear 3, Space Marine, Driver: San Fransisco ... these are recent games by any reasonable definition. And they play fine on Intel HD 3000. This is the first post in the thread that mentions BF3....

Regarding BF3:

I know people at Intel who work in pre-release game compatibility and performance testing. They are working with game developers on nearly all of the top 150 titles globally this year. They did test BF3 pre-release and, as you say, it was working at beta and launch - then EA released a patch at the last minute and that change broke it on Intel graphics. Intel is aware of the issue and debugging it.

Unfortunately game developers aren't yet in the habit of routinely testing their patches against Intel - though that will change if you and other consumers contact them and insist on it. How about you voicing some of your passion towards EA?

In the mean time please try to act a little more civil/mature - shouting in giant fonts and all caps doesn't solve any thing.

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Thank you rootheday...

I wanted answers, and you provided them. I kept asking Intel for answers and got the run around or got you need a discrete card, or our video graphics can't run that. Everyone of Intels answers were copouts... Which were against their advertisments... Which frustrated me the most.

Unfortunately game developers aren't yet in the habit of routinely testing their patches against Intel - though that will change if you and other consumers contact them and insist on it. How about you voicing some of your passion towards EA? Could you provide a link where I could voice, or annoy... ( I'm sure Intel Admin would like for me to disappear )

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The 330m wipes the floor with the 3000. Intel has not excuses as they have never created or given a rip about a good GPU or its performance. COD frame rates at 720p are almost double. Acually, the only game you listed that hangs with the 330m is SC2. Thats because its a CPU hungry game and most 320m's were on much lower powered C2D's.

Intel shoud be ashamed of themselves with the childish actions against a GPU developer thay made/makes great products that enhance their products. But alas, they have to squeeze every drop of profit out of each board sold and could care less about the publics desire for a faster and better performing product.

Perhaps they see the writting on the wall with ARM processors about to enter the computer market. Get all the cash you can guys while the gettings good.

Seriously, how many laptops are sold this and next year with an hd 3000. I would suggets about 80%. So, even if its 60% runnibg the same card, why undevelop the drivers and or deliver such a botched product. And, if development was such a challenge, why noy outsource the developmwnt to a company that cares about getting that specific function correct. That would at least give them somthing to build on.

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Even though my computer can run everything, with support, this experence turned me and my friends off to Intel HD with their non support. I have a friend that wanted to buy a mac, I told him to look at the specs of the video graphics, he quicly changed his mind cause even though there was a discrete card in it, he saw Intel HD and quickly changed his mind.

I was shocked that my computer can run Skyrim in medium setting with out a problem... How ever not having support for newer products, or patches is a real turn off...

I did turn my friend onto Nvidia's new processor, and a Nvidias Graphics on board or not, they have the best graphics and drivers... I bet they will even be supported...

But time will tell, as word passes from friend to friend about the Intel graphics not gamming compatable... and no support for their products...

As it stands their are other companies to support for our future needs in computing... AMD and now Nvidia.... its no longer a Intel world.

(you know I feel more comfortable with Nvidia making processors cause their video graphics are the best, I hope and intel is not even competition in that league... and their drivers blow Intel out of the water... )

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You seem a little confused - are you talking about the NVidia 330M? or the 320M?

The 330M is a discrete graphics card. OEMs can include discrete cards in platforms with Intel CPUs - no problem; Of course, they come on a separate board, requires separate memory, takes up space inside the notebook, and adds to the thermal load of the platform, and add to the cost of the platform. And, of course, OEMs like Apple may choose to use either AMD or NVidia discrete GPUs with Intel CPUs - that is their choice, not Intel's.

The NVidia 320M was an integrated part used by exactly one OEM - Apple. It is noticeably slower the 330M. I presume when you are talking about "childish actions" you are talking about the fact that NVidia isn't able to make graphics enabled chipsets for recent CPUs. Yes, the 320 is somewhat faster on some workloads that the HD 3000 - but the difference isn't double in most cases. Check the results at

Look at a system topology diagram and you will see why this was a dead end after Core 2 Duo:


1a. Core2 Duo + G45 System Architecture:



Graphics+ MCH == Memory


IO (USB, storage, networking)

1b. Core 2 Duo + NVidia 320M:



Graphics + IO + MCH == Memory

2. AMD Phenom + AMD 7xx or 8xx chipset:

CPU + MCH == Memory


Graphics --- optional sideport memory



3. Sandybridge and future (also AMD APU)

CPU+ Graphics + MCH == Memory



Notice that in 1a and 1b, the memory is connected to the chipset where the graphics controller is. In figure 2, the graphics controller is one extra hop away from the system memory - this means that for AMD 785/880 gpu, memory access has extra latency. This was a big enough issue that AMD beefed up the hypertransport speeds and added the optional sideport memory to try to mitigate it. Of course, having the memory controller integrated with the CPU is better for CPU performance which is why AMD had arranged things that way.

Once Sandybridge integrated both graphics and memory controller into the CPU, both get fast access to memory. A hypothetical NVidia chipset would have looked kind of like the AMD model in figure 2. As integrated graphics gets faster, this latency/extra hop issue becomes a bigger and bigger bottleneck. You will notice that both AMD and Intel have integrated the GPU into the CPU - precisely to make sharing data between CPU and GPU faster and more efficient. SoC vendors do the same.

I'm not sure why you would expect that the course of semiconductor integration over the last 40 years would somehow halt in such a way as to leave the GPU in a chipset provided by NVidia.

Ultimately, you would have to ask Apple why they didn't continue with NVidia for either integrated or discrete GPUs in 2011 models - maybe it has something to do with the underfill/bumpgate (manufacturing defects from NVidia which they were slow to disclose/fix)?

As for the rest of your rant/trolling, Intel had made dramatic improvements in application compatibility in the last couple years (and AMD and NVidia aren'twithout some set of driver issues of their own). Intel's performance has increased dramatically (1.5-2x each year) as well - good enough for Apple in any case. All indications are that this trend will continue... Let's see how Ivybridge looks - if it is faster than your precious 330M/320M - will you take back your words?

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Well I tried running skyrim, and after 10 minutes the computer crashed... with massive errors in the event history... the fans running full blast...

I guess the in theory part its should run but the Intel HD has massive flaws... which then goes to the flaws in the Cpu, then the motherboard, and I'm sure the power supply....

You know I have a feeling that Intel knows how bad their Intel HD graphics are, and I did blame EA games for no support, however seeing these problems, I now blame Intel, the reason there is no support is if they had support and every computer crashed when running graphic intense games or applications, this board would be flooded...

I admit, I cant wait till december 25th as everyone that bought a computer with intel HD and gave it to their kids for x-mas and a few new games is in for a shock... Can you imagine the people all mad at intel after this...

Its a new invatition from Intel to go to AMD or Nivida, as it says we can not do simple buisness, or give you what you need, we can lie to you, but do not expect support as our products are not upto par.

We should post this to AMD website and Nvidia, give them some new advertising, saying they can Intel can't...

Rootheday, when I talked about Nvidia I ment their new Cpu's... however in the old days all my video cards were Nvidia... I only bought this Intel HD because it said it could new games... and as you see it can't no support, serious flaws...

(I have a friend that wanted to buy a new mac book pro I told him you know what you are getting yourself into, he said why? I said look at the graphics, he saw Intel HD and laughed, why would he spend over a grand and get a graphics card with no support, yes it did have a discrete card, but just the sight of Intel HD was enough to turn him off)...with people warning people...I would hope support, or fix the problems, and or Intel dropping this line... stick to what they are good at cpu's...

these companies will change their tune, and you can bet that all the customers complaining to computer builders, that soon I would hope that they would drop anything that said on-board Intel HD... it will happen, but for the rest of us to sit back and watch Intel crumble in the wake

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If your computer is running with fans at full blast for 10 minutes and then crashing, it sounds like maybe something is wrong with your system - maybe virus, maybe bad cooling, don't know.

Other users are running Skyrim on Intel HD 3000 with no trouble - go take a look on youtube.

It also seems like you are now behaving irrationally - your friend was buying a macbook pro which had a discrete card in it - and you told him not to buy it because it also had HD 3000? How does that help him? Do you have any information showing that systems that combine Intel HD + discrete graphics are unstable or unsuitable?

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The best advice for you is "fix yourself first". Don't try to blame everything except yourself. For your case, the root cause of the problem was "user error". You should take your time to acquire more knowledge. It should be better for you than trying to post a nonsense.

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Please check youtube again...

I would like you to check Skyrim videos on a 1.4 MBA with 2GB of ram Vs. 1.8 i7's with 4GB of ram. The HD 3000 is choppy performs at least 30-50% worse.

I think what most of us are puzzled/aggravated with is Intels boasting about game performance when other/older and banished intergrated chips out perform the HD 3000. (With slower bus, ram and clock speeds)

There is no doubt that the HD 3000 can play Skyrim, it can even play Battlefield 3! However, the performance is not good.

Also, I am sure you are going to compare the 320m and state that they are on par with each other. When you do your research, make sure you are comparing Windows performance. Intel has given OSX better driver support for the HD3000 to OSX. Even under OSX, Call of Duty 4 shows a 20 FPS gap. The COD engine is extremely old and runs the most popular FPS on the planet. Why not optimize the drivers for that?

Defend all you want, but the plain fact is that the HD 3000 is worse than other intergrated solutions. Its all about the cash with Intel. If not, why ban all other intergrated GPU designs from your chipsets?

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Don't like it Manatas, dont read it... and you were wrong !!! it was not user error, it was driver error... ( I installed the latest drivers from intel that should figure ) the only user error was buying a computer with Intel HD in it, and thinking the company would be able to write drivers and have support for their product.

Maven1975 is right were waiting for the performance and support with this intel product, were just not seeing it, We were led in by the hype of their advertising, well most of us with Intel HD with out discrete cards are just not seeing it.

I redid my drivers on my computer to a latter version, put out by dell, their not the latest, and can run skyrim... But it has to be in a window as my Intel HD can't handle full screen... as it gets laggy...

Maven how are you playing BF3 on Intel HD, or were you playing beta or do you have a discrete mixed in?... I still get the d3d error... and still waiting for the support for that... I don't think it will come anytime soon...

Well put Maven1975 ...

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