Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Mouse Lag issue for all Intel graphics drivers available for download on the website




We need your assistance to see what changed with every Intel graphics driver version after version


The reason why we are asking is because we have 25+ customers (out of several thousand) who are essentially not able to use different versions of our software due to a mouse lag issue appearing out of the blue.  After gathering all kinds of machine  specifications from these users this is the only common thread. They all have Intel graphics driver versions put out after version


So far, our customers have either had to disable their intel graphics cards altogether or hope they can find this old graphics driver online somewhere.


I would like to speak with someone or show you exactly how to reproduce this if possible because I am seeing online that many Autodesk users also had a similar issue.

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11 Replies

Hi Jamesg89,


Thank you for posting in Intel Communities.


We appreciate that you brought this issue to our attention and for your keen observation that the problem happened after installing driver version later than We would work with you to further check this concern.


Please allow us to ask the following information, as we may need this to reproduce the issue:

1. If you can provide the following logs from one or two computers, it would really help us if we can get more information about any of the system. Please download and run our Intel® System Support Utility from this page, To run it, please press "Scan". After the scan is finished, click next and there will be a save button, giving you an option to save the logs to a text file, please do so and attach the file on your reply. You can refer to How to get the Intel® System Support Utility Logs on Windows* for instructions.


2. Do the 25 systems have the same configuration (OS Build, components, driver versions, BIOS version, etc.)?


3. Kindly describe the application that your customers are using and where the mouse lagging is mostly experienced.


4. It seems that driver version is not found on our download center page. May we ask where did you obtain this driver? Is it through the manufacturer or was it installed together with a Windows update?


5. Aside from installing the driver, was either the Intel ARC Control Center, Intel Driver and Support Assistant, and Intel Graphics Command Center where installed on the machine?


6. If possible, kindly provide a video of the problem.


We will wait for your response.





Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Thank you for reaching out.
I will do my best to provide as much information as possible.
That said, I feel that we have already done a bunch of leg work on this to remove outside factors so a phone call may be beneficial as I can get you up to speed.
Nonetheless, I am providing you with the requested information below:
1) We are going to set up a machine so that you can gather a log. I will send this in a separate email.
This is my work machine and I physically can not use our software (RISA-3D or RISAFoundation) with any graphics driver with a higher number above this .5333 release:


2) No, the only constant with these machines is the intel graphics, this is the list we had before we found the common link: 


(After we found the pattern like 2.5 weeks into testing this we only asked for what intel graphics driver numbers they were using and the refresh rate on the monitor because we were not seeing this for monitors 60Hz or above)
3) The application is a dotNET user interface structural engineering software with the mouse lag limited to the modeling view (the center of the program).
See below:


4) My machine actually still had this graphics driver for some reason (...5333) but I was only able to find the working version online through 3rd party once every single driver on the Intel website was tested and found to have the same issue without changing any other variable.
5) I know the Intel ARC Control Center is installed on my machine and it is working with the .5333 graphics drive, I can't speak for the other users or the Intel Driver and Support Assistant, and Intel Graphics Command Center.
6) Please see the attached video.
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This is the video

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Hello, Jamesg89.

Thank you for your detailed response and for providing the requested information. Please be informed that my colleague, Alfred is away, so I will be handling your inquiry in the meantime. Yes, I agree that having a discussion over a phone call would be advantageous to align on troubleshooting steps and explore potential solutions. Currently, we are unable to initiate a phone call for some reason, but please feel free to contact us via phone or initiate a ticket


In line with the SSU logs, I'll be emailing you a request to provide the Intel SSU log file, as it includes confidential system specifications. Have you explored or tested any potential workarounds or interim solutions for affected customers? If you have done any steps to fix this issue before contacting us please give me those details so we don't repeat any unnecessary steps. 


Best regards,

Von M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Von,

I can call you in a few hours to give a brief updated summary if you need.
We are currently awaiting the Release notes for the Intel graphics driver for v31.0.101.5518.
That said, go ahead and send over the SSU log file request.
We have a machine set up to reproduce this issue already although I do not believe that this will help as the mouse lag issue can only be viewed within specific regions a dotNet interface program immediately after driver is updated that is above the v31.0.101.5333 release (with nothing else changed except the graphics driver updated on all these customers).
The current workarounds are:
-Rolling Back to an Earlier Driver Version
-Using a Discrete Graphics Card/Disabling the Intel graphics card
-Using a Monitor with a 60Hz and greater Refresh Rate
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Hi Jamesg89,

Thank you for your response.

Given that the logs may contain sensitive information, we have sent an email to you to gather the logs and some other vital information.

We will wait for your reply.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Jamesg89,

I wanted to check if you had the chance to read the email that we sent. Please let me know at your earliest convenience so that we can determine the best course of action to resolve this matter.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Jamesg89,

Thank you providing those information.

Please allow us some time to check on this. 

We will get back to you as soon as we have updates.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Jamesg89,

Kindly check your inbox for our email.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Jamesg89,

I wanted to check if you had the chance to read the email that we sent. Please let me know at your earliest convenience so that we can determine the best course of action to resolve this matter.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Jamesg89, 

We need to close this thread since we have not gotten a response from you: maybe because you are busy or preoccupied at the moment. We know that this is important for you to get it resolved and it is also equally important for us to give you the right solution; as much as we would like to assist you, we need to close it to attend to other customers. 

We hope for your consideration and understanding on this one.

If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer being monitored.

Thank you for contacting Intel® and have a great week!

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support Technician

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