Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21346 Discussions

Perfomance issues


i`m using Sparkle arc a580 and there some issues with usage in games like
Valorant-Minecraft-Apex legends-Spiderman Remastered-r6 siege-league of legends and others
So basically in games like valorant the gpu usage is 30% to 40% or 50% maximum and it doesn`t exceed that which results in lower fps than expected
minecraft also has the same issue which the gpu usage is 40 to 50 but i tried to install some demanding shaders to try and see if it makes the usage higher and it did make it around 60% to 80% but it won`t exceed that which also results in lower fps 
in Apex somehow the usage in the menu is 100% but ingame it`s around 80% and it doesn`t exceed 90% but the usage keeps dropping in some places in the map which lowers the fps drastically like the fps goes from a 160 to like 90 or smth so it`s a drop issue in this game but it`s a gpu usage drop so it affects the fps
in spiderman it`s quite like apex the usage in menu and cutscenes is 100% and works absolutely fine but the usage while i`m playing doesn`t exceed 90% and if i`m like flying around the city or looking at some graphically intensive parts the usage drops to aroud 60% and the fps goes from 120fps to 60fps and even lower when i`m flying around the city it can go down to 45 fps
r6s actually works fine but the usage doesn`t exceed 85%
league of legends actually has a huge problem here the gpu usuage is around 35% to 50% but i noticed smth else apparently the gpu clock in most games that are working with no issues is 2400Mhz but in league it`s 1000Mhz and it doesn`t exceed that while also the gpu usage is 35 to 50 like i`ve said

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17 Replies

and there is also an issue that happens in almost every single game i play which is that no matter the graphics settings i choose the fps stays the same but the gpu usage changes. for example. if i`m playing the finals with the very high graphics preset and the gpu usage is 85% for example and i`m getting 100 fps if i lower the graphics to high or medium or even low the fps doesn`t go up it stays 100 but the gpu usage on the other hand drops to 50% or smth like that
yeah i forgot to mention the finals among the games i mentioned above the gpu usage in it too doesn`t exceed 90% 

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Hello Begad,

In order to provide you with the most accurate troubleshooting assistance for the gaming issues you've described, it would be beneficial to address each game individually and create a separate thread for each game. This approach allows us to apply specific solutions that are tailored to each game's unique requirements. We have resources and articles available that can guide you through this process. To proceed, could you please share the following details?

1. Frame Rate in Valorant: What frames per second (FPS) are you currently achieving while playing Valorant?

2. Frame Rate in Minecraft: Similarly, what FPS do you observe when playing Minecraft?

3. Which version of Minecraft are you using?

4. Regarding League of Legends, you've noted that the GPU usage ranges from 35-50% with a GPU clock speed capped at 1000 MHz. Could you specify if you're experiencing any performance slowdowns, game freezing, or other issues?

5. For Spiderman Remastered, you mentioned full GPU usage in menus and cutscenes, but a reduction to 60% during gameplay. Does this result in noticeable performance drops or freezing during play?

Additionally, to ensure all potential fixes have been considered, could you confirm whether you have enabled resizable BAR (reBAR) on your motherboard and if you have used DDU to remove previous graphics drivers before installing the latest one? Your responses will greatly aid us in narrowing down the cause of these issues. 

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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i`ve used ddu to uninstall intel and amd drivers and perfomed a clean installation of intel drivers and i`ve attached a gpu z screenshot
let`s get to the games.
first 4 screenshots are from valorant where 2 of them with the highest settings available and 2 with the lowest settings available.I`think you`ll notice the issue with gpu usage and clock speed
the minecraft version i`m playing is java version 1.20.4 and you`ll find the first 2 screenshots has the settings in one of them and that`s with normal game shaders the other 3 is when i used a little bit demanding shader to see if i can up the usage and the clock speed and you`l find it went up a bit but still not reaching neither the maximum usage nor the 2400Mhz clock speed that it achieves in the games that has no issue
I can`t attach more than 10 screenshots so i`ll make another reply with the rest of the games and their screenshots.

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first you can see the settings i`m using in spiderman from the screenshots and as i`ve said you`ll find the gpu usage in the menu is 99% but in game it changes as shown in the screenshots
i`ve also tried to screenshot different places to show you how the usage changes from place to place resulting in less frames and even going under 60fps if i fly in some places in the city
i`ve also attached a league of legends screenshot to show you the fps , gpu clock speed and gpu usage but i don`t experience any freezing or slow downs just the low fps and gpu usage and capped gpu clock speed

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you`ll find in the 10 screenshots of apex here
the settings
the fps and gpu usage and gpu clock speed in menu and while i`m landing and in a lot of the map parts
you can notice how the usage goes down and the clock speed goes down too as show in the screenshots

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in the finals here you`ll find that the gpu usage at epic settings is 99% which is great but no matter how much i lower the graphics the fps almost stays the same but the gpu usage is what goes to sum up changing the settings here changes the gpu usage not the fps somehow
In Rainbow six siege it won`t let me take screenshots so i took photos with my phone
you`ll find that if i do a benchmark as in the first 3 screenshots after the settings the usage drops when i`m outside the map or when there is an explosion or smth like that but the other 2 screenshots is when i`m actually in game you`ll find the gpu usage doesn`t exceed 75% or 80% at max but when i die the usage goes up to 96% somehow (this is running in vulkan. if i run it without vulkan the fps and usage goes a lot lower than that)

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Hello Begad,

I appreciate your prompt reply and the screenshots you have shared. Rest assured, we will conduct a thorough review of the materials provided. I will ensure to post an update in this thread as soon as we have more information.  

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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Hello Begad,

After a thorough review of your case, I've compiled some tailored troubleshooting steps for each game to enhance your gaming experience.

Could you confirm if ReBAR is enabled on your system? To know more about rebar, check our What Is Resizable BAR and How Do I Enable It? article. Additionally, creating a separate thread for each game would allow us to provide more focused troubleshooting assistance. I look forward to your response and am eager to hear about the results of these steps.

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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Hello Begad,

I wanted to check if you had the chance to review the steps and information I posted. Please let me know at your earliest convenience so that we can determine the best course of action to resolve this matter. 

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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sorry for the late reply
i checked the valorant thread but i`m not experiencing any stuttering just the low usage that i`v showed in the screenshots provided 
for minecraft i`ve tried both (with shaders and without shaders) as shown in the screenshots and in case of how the game runs with shaders disabled you`ll find in the screenshots that the gpu usage is pretty low and gpu clock doesn`t exceed a certain number as if it was capped
for rainbow six siege i`ve checked the article and it`s running good with vulkan as i`ve shown in the screenshots i just mentioned it so you can have a full view of the common games that doesn`t reach 100% gpu usage so it can be optimized in future updates
in case of spider man and apex legends i`ve updated the graphics driver and bios as you can see in the ssu and the screenshot attached but i`m still getting the same issues i mentioned in my previous reply and in the screenshots i provided 
and also by creating a different thread for each game do you mean that i should post ever game in an article on it`s own?

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Hello Begad,

No problem at all about the late reply. It's great that you've done some thorough testing across different games.

For Valorant, it's interesting that you're not experiencing stuttering but rather low usage, which could indicate that the game isn't fully utilizing your GPU resources. This might be due to game-specific optimization or settings that limit GPU usage.

In Minecraft, the fact that GPU usage remains low both with and without shaders, and that the GPU clock is not exceeding a certain threshold, suggests there might be a cap within the game settings or a power setting within your system that's preventing higher usage.

It's good to hear that Rainbow Six Siege is running well with Vulkan. Your detailed feedback on GPU usage in common games is valuable for future optimization updates.

Regarding Spider-Man and Apex Legends, updating the graphics driver and BIOS was a good step. Since the issues persist, it might be worth looking into other potential causes such as in-game settings, system power settings, or even hardware limitations.

Creating a different thread for each game could be helpful for organization and focused discussions. Yes, it means posting about each game in its own separate thread, which allows for more specific solutions and optimizations to be shared within the community.

Also, I would appreciate it if you could check whether Resizable BAR (ReBAR) is active on your system, as it can significantly impact GPU performance. Additionally, when you have the opportunity to organize the game issues into individual threads, kindly inform me. This will allow us to monitor each case closely and offer more targeted advice. We find that addressing each game separately leads to more effective troubleshooting.

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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I`ll create a thread for each game and infrom you as soon as possible but i just wanted to mention that the low gpu usage and low gpu clock speed is not due to game settings or gpu tuning all the game settings are set to theirs standards to fully use the gpu with no power limit and in the gpu performance tuning section in the arc control panel i`ve set the gpu core power limit to 180w (it`s maximum) and ReSizeable bar is enabled as i`ve shown in the attached screenshot and i`ll attach another one in case you didn`t see it
so from my pov it might be optimizing issues between the gpu and the game that prevents the game from fully using the gpu 

i`ll create a thread for each game but i just wanted to mention this information before doing so.

(check the attached screenshot to see Resizable bar and gpu core power)

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Hello Begad,

Thank you for providing detailed information about your GPU settings and the steps you've taken to optimize performance. It's clear that you've ensured the game settings are configured to fully utilize the GPU's capabilities and that you've adjusted the power limit to its maximum in the Arc control panel. The enabled Resizable BAR is also a significant step towards improving performance, as it allows for more efficient access to the GPU memory.

Creating a separate thread for each game is a great approach, as it will allow for more focused discussions and troubleshooting for each specific scenario. It will also enable other users who might be experiencing similar issues to contribute and benefit from the solutions found.

I will continue to investigate this issue and carry out the necessary tests. Rest assured, I will share any updates promptly in this discussion thread. Additionally, please inform me when you have initiated a new thread so that I can verify.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with creating the threads or any other concerns, please let me know.  

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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I’ve had similar issues with GPU performance. Here are some steps you can try:


Update Drivers:

Make sure your GPU drivers are up to date. Check the Sparkle website for the latest drivers.


Check Power Settings:

Ensure your power settings are set to high performance. In Windows, go to Control Panel > Power Options and select High Performance.


Adjust In-Game Settings:

Lowering some of the in-game settings might help stabilize performance. Sometimes, the game settings can bottleneck GPU usage.


Monitor Temperatures:

High temperatures can throttle performance. Use a tool like MSI Afterburner to monitor your GPU temperatures and ensure it’s not overheating.


Disable Background Programs:

Make sure no other programs are running in the background that could be using GPU resources.


BIOS and Firmware Updates:

Check if there are any BIOS or firmware updates available for your system, as these can sometimes improve hardware compatibility and performance.


Hope this helps!

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Hello Begad,

Our comprehensive analysis indicates that while GPU usability is a significant aspect, it's not the sole determinant of the overall performance of PC games. It's important to note that different games may place varying demands on the CPU and GPU, and their optimization levels for specific GPUs can also differ. For a comprehensive assessment of your gaming experience, including FPS, frame times, and potential stuttering or lag, we recommend utilizing performance analysis tools like CapFrameX.

As you've observed varying GPU utilization across multiple games, such as lower usage in Valorant without any stuttering, we suggest initiating a separate thread for each game title to address each concern individually. This will allow for more focused discussions and solutions.

In the meantime, to address the issue of low GPU frequency, you might consider using Intel Arc Control to enhance GPU performance. After adjusting the settings, if you find that the GPU clock speed remains below 2400MHz, it may be prudent to reach out to the GPU vendor to explore the possibility of a replacement.

We hope this information is helpful, and we're here to assist you further should you need it.

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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sorry for not being active
i`m just having my final exams and don`t currently have any free time but as soon as i finish which will be a month from now or if i have any free time before that i`ll get to testing and make a thread for each game and inform you

as for replacing my gpu i just wanted to say that the gpu works fine in a lot of games such a sekiro where the gpu is fully used and i don`t get any drops at all during my whole gaming session and the same goes for the witcher 3 and other games the problems i mentioned in this thread happens for some games not all the games of course the gpu runs fine in a lot of games as i mentioned so that`s why i didn`t think of getting a replacement or anything cause the gpu is working fine mostly these problems just happen on some games and i also found a lot of people having similar issues with the same games so i don`t think it`s defective gpu piece but if you think it`s a defective gpu piece still let me know.

and the issue with low frequency and low gpu usage happens with minecraft and league of legends as capped frequency and low usage but in other games i mentioned such as apex the gpu reaches the 2400mhz normally as in most games but it experiences drops as so the gpu usage as well so you can call it a drop issue if you exclude the couple of games that have it capped. (games like elden ring have a static 2400mhz clock which is great and doesn`t drop but the drops are in gpu usage only which results in fps drops)

but anyways, i`ll get to testing as soon as i finish my exams or if i have any free time before that and i `ll make a thread for each game that i experience a problem with and i `ll inform you here as soon as possible.

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Hello Begad,

No worries at all! Your academic commitments are important, and it's completely understandable that your final exams are your priority right now. Once you've completed your exams, or if you find some spare time, your insights on the testing will be highly valuable.

Your approach to creating a dedicated thread for each game where you encounter issues is excellent, and it will help us address each case more effectively.  

Best of luck with your exams, and we look forward to hearing from you when you're ready. Therefore, I will close this inquiry now. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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