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Problem with newer Win11 Xe video drivers - HDR color palette looks washed out after reboots/resume


Intel Driver Assistant is recommending newer Windows 11 generic video drivers to a NUC11 PC that I have, ever since the ASUS takeover for support.


I've tried at least the last couple versions of the Intel video drivers for a NUC11/i7 with Iris Xe graphics and HDR won't give me the same vibrant SDR-to-HDR color palette in Win11 23H2 with every bootup, or sometimes with sleep mode.  The color palette looks washed out like it used to before Win11 22H2 fixed it properly, similar to Windows 10.  There seems to be some kind of issue with them and the Iris Xe graphics on these slightly older systems.  It'll be fine when removing and reinstalling the drivers, but after a couple of reboots or a deep sleep phase, it goes into the ugly palette.  The drivers still detect that HDR is compatible too, and I can disable and enable it, but it won't rectify the situation without rebooting and saying a little chant to the HDR deity in the sky for it to work properly again.  FYI:  I'm using a Sony 4k HDR TV.


ASUS doesn't have the newer graphics drivers for NUC's, and even before they took over support, Intel didn't have anything on the NUC download page except for the original Windows 11 DCH driver.


I'm currently running which doesn't have any problems keeping HDR consistent on every bootup.  I don't play games on it (who would?).  It's getting older so I may make it a remove PC/server so HDR won't be necessary, but I thought I'd point out this issue.


Why is Intel suddenly pushing generic drivers onto these systems when they didn't before?  The Intel Driver Assistant never recommended any newer drivers besides some of the older drivers that were offered on the NUC download page.  It seems that they weren't tested fully with NUC's in all cases.  I'll probably remove the Intel Driver Assistant and leave the drivers and let Windows update them if a WHQL driver gets submitted to them in the future.

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1 Reply

Hello Jsmith33,


Thank you for posting in our community.


If you weren't able to find the drivers on the ASUS website, you may contact them directly by submitting a technical support ticket to them.

Official Support: ASUS Global:

Thank you, and have a great day ahead.

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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