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Problems with Intel graphics 4000 and hp monitor resolution


I just bought an HP Envy H8 (i7 and Intel Graphics 4000) and attempted to hook it up to my monitor - an HP LP30365 (30 inch widescreenLCD vintage 2008). The graphics will not drive the monitor at a resolution greater than 1280x800 no matter what I do. If I attempt to set a custom resolution at 1920x1200 the application reports that I am exceeding the bandwidth allowed. Now, I have another recent i7 computer with a Radeon graphics card that will drive the HP monitor at 2560x1600. I also have a Dell monitor (recent vintage) and the HP will drive that at 1920x1200. The toxic combination seems to be the HP computer and the HP monitor. I have updated to the most recent driver available on at the HP web site. No improvement. I have tried to update to a more recent driver on the Intel web site but the application refuses to complete and sends me back to HP.

I have gone so far as trying to manually copy the monitor definition (ICC) files but that didn't accomplish anything either.

I am more or less at my wits end - does anyone have any ideas about an methodology or avenue that might force the Intel graphics to drive the monitor at a reasonable (1920 or better) resolution?

OH - FTR - I am using the same DVI cable for all the connections just to remove one more variable.

Thanks in advance,


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8 Replies


As far as I know the DVI output of othe HP notebook with Intel HD 4000 has a DVI-D port SINGLE LINK, that means that it's not able to support a monitor that has 2560x1600.

Probably the other computer with Radeon Graphics has a DVI DUAL LINK support and is able to use correclty the LP3065

I used the LP3065 few time and it always worked at 1280x800 with a DVI Single link video card and at 2560x1600 with a DVI dual link video card, like you see in your environment.

So everything works as aspected.


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Thanks Franco,

I think I must have been unclear about a few things:

1) The HP in question is a Desktop NOT a laptop

2) It has 2 dvi ports and therefore (I assume) supports dual monitors

3) The Monitor will run at at least 1920x1200 on another PC

4) The Intel 4000 will drive another monitor at 1920x1200

5) The Intel 4000 will NOT switch the HP 30" monitor into any mode above 1280x800

Hope this is more clearly delineated. - thanks again..


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Just one more note - I manged to install the latest driver from Intel and this did not fix the problem either. I can only assume that the issue is something to do with the monitor definition as it is being created by the driver on this PC with Intel Graphics. Any ideas much appreciated I have been at this for more that two days and am on the verge of giving up.



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Is possible the problem could be the monitor, but for that you will have to test another monitor, and another video cable. Make sure you are not using any kind of video ports.

For more information regarding display resolutions, go to the following URL:

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I don't think it can be the monitor because I have hooked the monitor up to another PC and driven it above 1920x1200. I have also attached another (smaller) monitor to the PC that is running Intel HD graphics 4000 and it will drive it at 1920x... All of these tests were done using the same DVI cable. It appears that it is the combination of the monitor (HPLP3065c) and the HP desktop running Intel graphics that is toxic.

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I am in similar situation, my HP ZR30W has 2560x1600 res and both DVI and DisplayPort are working fine on ati and nvidia I can set 2560x1600 no problems I tried both DVI and DP are working fine.

Obviously on my lousy intel HD 4600 (HD my a...;P) I can only set 1280x800. Motherboard I have, gryphon z87 has DVI (max 1920x1200) and HDMI (max 4k). So DVI to monitors DVI of course don't work, why should it is only DVI so it should only give me 1280x800 according to asus or intel who knows whose fault it is.

Well I thought, let's get HDMI to DVI cable as it says 4k@24hz and 2560x1600@60hz so I bought one and what did it give me, NOTHING stil 1280x800!!!

Now I could be stupid and try getting HDMI to DisplayPort cable as a last try but something is telling me that this solution is also not going to work.

So THANK YOU intel for nothing your HD graphic card SUCKS big time and is totally useless even nvidia nvs295 (old piece of junk) is giving me 2560x1600.

I will have to spend more cash on gtx 670 probably, I didn't wanted to because I planned to wait until next gen but nothing else left to do....

And also asus support sucks they have no idea what they are talking about.

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Got an new HP EliteBook 840 I7-3600U, Intel HD 4400, 8GB Ram and a new HP Z30i monitor with resolution 2560x1600 60Hz.

I got problems with the monitor Z30i, it goes down in Power save mode when ill connect it to the laptop whit DP. I have tryed DP to DP and DP to DVI cabels nothing works. I have tryed Intel driver and the one form Microsoft update I have tryed both Windows 8 64Bit and 8.1 64Bit

I got 2560x1600 when i tryed a more powerful AC adapter.

AC Adapter Model: HSTNN-LA12

INPUT: 100-240V~ 3.5A, 50-60Hz


OUTPUT: 19.5V 11.8A 230W

My 4 years old IBM x201 with Intel HD Graphics works fine with the Z30i monitor on DP to DP cable

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Hi TubEtubSockA,

I am sorry to hear you are having this problem but let me help you with that.

Checking the information you provided, I see that you have installed the latest drivers from MS and from our side but issue persist.

At this point since you have an OEM system, my best recommendation is to update the BIOS in your system and all other drivers provided by the computer manufacture. Besides these steps, I recommend you checking the power options in your system or the configurations set by the manufacture.

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