Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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RST 9.6 out -- looks like the one I've waited 8 months for!


Not to recommend that anyone install unofficial drivers, but:

seems to work great under Windows 7 64-bit! No false reports of drive failures, no freezing for a minute on wakeup from sleep (and occasionally at other times) with event log messages about "drive did not respond", no excessive DPC latency making music/movies unlistenable/unwatchable!

I'll have to give it a few days, of course, but it's very promising! Sorry for using so many exclamation points!


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2 Replies

It's official now.

Single drive on AHCI, XP 32bit, P55, no freeze, no error events with 9.6 so far (had problems with 8.9), but this need some time testing.

However, the problem is still mentioned in the "Known Issues" section of the Release Notes:

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Best version yet, and I confirm that sound no longer stutters using this rev.

Asus Rampage Extreme mobo w/ICH9R & 6 x 1.5tb disk in raid 10 (1.4TB mbr C:, 2.8TB gpt D:, 15GB mbr P: (for pagefile.sys)).

I can also tell you that ATTO benchmark shows the same read/write performance characteristics comparing the mbr to the gpt volumes, and this was not the case for any previous version of IRST.

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