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Recently I have purchased the intel i5 11400 and was planning to run some low spec game like Valorant on UHD 730. But after running that game, there's so much lagging and stuttering which made this game unplayable. I have installed the latest graphics drives and kept all other drivers up to date but still no improvement.
So the Intel support engineers can have more information about your system, Download, run, and save the results of this utility as a text file:
Then ATTACH the text file using the instructions under the reply window ( Drag and drop here or browse files to attach ).
Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Windows 11 is the new Vista]
Here's the attachment which you've asked for.
Hello @Sadaf
Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.
We understand that you have opened an internal Web Ticket with us regarding the same environment and same issues so we will continue to help you through that channel now. We will therefore close this community case in order to avoid duplication of efforts. Thank you.
Best regards,
Andrew G.
Intel Customer Support Technician
Are there any fix? I'm having these issue. I can't play any game without sudden drop of fps to 1.
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コンパイラーの最適化について、さらに詳しい情報をお知りになりたい場合は、以下を参照してください: 最適化に関する注意事項.