Intel® ARC™ Graphics
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2403 Discussions

Alway signal lost by start

Hi i have since yesterday a intel arc a770 limeted Edition. I have anproblem alwas when i Start my pc and when i comes to Windows login screen i lost the signal from grapics card and i see nothing.... When i take out the hdmi cable and put it back to grapic card than my Windows screen is comming... Anyone have an idea hiw i can solve this isue?
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3 Replies

Hello StarZz,


Thank you for posting on the Intel️® communities. We understand that you are losing the signal from the graphics card every time on the Windows login screen.


To have a better understanding of your issue, please provide me with the following:

  • Did the card use to work as expected before?
  • Is this the first graphics card you installed on your system?
  • Can you try using another cable or port (DP)?
  • Does the issue occur if you try using another monitor/display?
  • Create a report using Intel System Support Utility (Intel SSU): 
    • Download the Intel SSU
    • Open the application and click on "Scan" to see the system and device information. By default, Intel SSU will take you to the "Summary View."
    • Click on the menu where it says: "Summary" to change it to "Detailed View."
    • To save your scan: click on "Next"; then "Save."


Best regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello StarZz,

We hope you are doing fine.

Were you able to check the previous post?

Let us know if you still need assistance.

Best regards, 

Jean O.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello StarZz,


We hope you are doing fine.


We have not heard back from you. So we will close this thread. If you need any additional information, submit a new question, as this thread will no longer be monitored.


Best regards.

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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