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I'm sending this message regarding an issue I've been experiencing lately with my Intel Arc A770 on Windows 11. I've got the card since a month or two now and it started having two problems, of which the two occurred relatively at the same time:
- The first thing that happens very often (every day at least) is that my driver often crashes during games. The display does not receive any signal and very rarely does it recovers. Most often, it crashes and I experience a BSOD from VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (source being igdkmd64.sys).
It happens independently of the load experienced by the GPU. I've tried more demanding games (Jedi Survivor & Satisfactory) and it manages to work pretty well but on some others that are way less expensive in resources like League of Legends, it just crashs.
- The second issue is whenever the PC is coming up. I'm welcomed by a black screen where only the cursor can be seen and I do hear the Windows login sound. Only I do not see anything else than my cursor. Weirdly enough, letting the computer inactive long enough for it to reach sleep mode and waking it up fixes the issue.
Temperature readings and power usage shows everything keeps in line. I tried also reinstalling the driver as it was advised most often and come with a fresh, clean install of Intel Arc Control but it solves nothing. I even tried downgrading to Windows 10 with a complete wipe but the same problem can be experienced. I'm really starting to think my GPU might be at fault since nobody seems to experience the same issue.
I'm adding details about my setup under the attachments. The only detail is that Resizeable BAR can not be enabled by my motherboard and is still running on default settings. I've also previously reported an issue with AMD SVM on GitHub at this issue: https://github.com/IGCIT/Intel-GPU-Community-Issue-Tracker-IGCIT/issues/177. There, you can find most of the pictures I've attached to this thread.
Many thanks!
Hello Afranche
Thank you for letting us know and doing the corresponding tests. Given that the issue also happens on a different system, this will point out even more to the GPU being defective. At this point our recommendation is that you return your GPU to the place of purchase for an RMA or if you have any issue with them, feel free to contact us directly to explore different warranty options:
U.S. and Canada: Intel Customer Support
Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Intel Customer Support EMEA
Asia-Pacific: Intel Customer Support APAC
Latin America: Intel Customer Support LAR
Best Regards,
Hugo O.
Intel Customer Support Technician.
Hello Afranche
I see there are no further questions related to this topic so we will proceed to close this thread. Feel free to open a new topic if you need further assistance.
Best Regards,
Hugo O.
Intel Customer Support Technician.
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