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1984 Discussions

Elite Dangerous Crashes on startup using latest driver -

New Contributor I


I recently described an issue I was having in my thread entitled "Monitor Refresh Rates - Part 2" pertaining to my experience with my favourite game, Elite Dangerous.


I Downloaded the latest beta driver a couple of days ago - version


With it Elite Dangerous crashes on startup. Tried this several times, same result every time.


Reverted to the previous driver, good to go again. (With all the previously mentioned issues, of course).


Just wanted to bring this to your attention so as to hopefully avoid the issue in future driver releases if possible.


Best regards,



60 Replies

Hi @Steve_NB,

Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you. In order to assist you, can you please help us with the following information: 

  • What store are you using to launch this game?
  • Is the game on its latest version?
  • Can you share the graphics settings of the game? Please share a screenshot or video of it.
  • Can you give me a little more background about the game issues with previous drivers?
  • When it crashes when the latest drivers, does it give you an error? If so, can you share as screenshot of the error?  
  • Is Resizable Bar enabled in the BIOS? 
  • Did you have any other graphics cards installed before?
  •  I could not find any files attache please download and install the Intel System Support Utility (Intel SSU): Open the application and select "Everything" click on "Scan" to see the system and device information. By default, Intel SSU will take you to the "Summary View". Click on the menu where it says "Summary" to change to "Detailed View". Click on "Next", save the report and attach it to your response.

Best regards, 

Carlos L.  

Intel Customer Support Technician.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Found the latest driver again - Arc Control seemed slow in finding it!


Attaching a screenshot of the game moments before it crashes - it never gets past 0%

New Contributor I

Hi Carlos,


Thank you for getting back to me.


Please feel free to review my previous thread pertaining to my game issues. It will also contain a list of the steps that Hugo went thru with me, and hopefully that will avoid some duplication of effort.


I'll address your questions one by one:-

  • What store are you using to launch this game?
  • A) I don't launch this via steam - I bought it direct from the Developer and use their launcher.
  • Is the game on its latest version?
  • A) Yes - Elite forces you to update whenever there is an update or you cannot play
  • Can you share the graphics settings of the game? Please share a screenshot or video of it.
  • A) Attaching 3 screenshots covering all of the graphics settings
  • Can you give me a little more background about the game issues with previous drivers?
  • A) See
  • When it crashes when the latest drivers, does it give you an error? If so, can you share as screenshot of the error?  
  • A) I get an error before the game proper even launches. I am no longer able to get a screenshot as I can no longer find driver version online, and version 4255 is indicated as being the latest again. Has the 4311 version been pulled back?
  • Is Resizable Bar enabled in the BIOS? 
  • A) Yes
  • Did you have any other graphics cards installed before?
  • A) No - this is a newly built system. A750 is the only gpu that has ever been installed.
  •  I could not find any files attache please download and install the Intel System Support Utility (Intel SSU): Open the application and select "Everything" click on "Scan" to see the system and device information. By default, Intel SSU will take you to the "Summary View". Click on the menu where it says "Summary" to change to "Detailed View". Click on "Next", save the report and attach it to your response.
  • A) Attached


I have all of my graphics settings set to max, my screen resolution is 1080p on my gaming monitor, my refresh rate is currently set to 120Hz (monitor can support 165Hz). I also have 2 office style monitors, both 1080p @ 60 Hz.

Hope this answers everything,





0 Kudos

Hi @Steve_NB,

Thank you for all this information. Based on what I read and what you have done so far, I would like to ask a couple of questions:

  • You said you play in window mode, does the same thing happen if you play in full screen mode?
  • Did you check with the game developer as mentioned in the previous posts? If so, what did they say?

Best regards, 

Carlos L.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hi Hugo,


Tried in full screen mode this evening - the same issue is evident.


I never got round to checking with the game developer; however your reminder prompted me to do that this evening, so hopefully they will get back to me soon.


Best Regards,



0 Kudos

Hi @Steve_NB,

 Thank you for your post. I see, thank you for testing. I would be good to check and see if a known issue. Let us known if there are any updates.

Best regards,  

Carlos L.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

can confirm this bug...the game elite dangerous will crash after starting the generation of planetsystems.

This will happend with *.4311!

If I install the prev  ver. *.4257, all works fine.



***BEGIN F3D CrashDump Handler***


F3D Crash Log:

ID3D12 Warning: Non-S_OK HRESULT 0x887A0005 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) at: G:\TeamcityWork\47698f043e3b55d\FGDK4\Src\Core\f3d\_private\f3dDevice\f3dFrequencyQuery_DX11.cpp(155), Function: GetData

Optional ID3D11 Remove Reason: 0x887A0006 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG)

F3D Status:

fHeapVirtualStore: 0 / 0 MB

Adapter Information: 2 Adaptors found.

Adapter 0 information: (Active):

Device Description: Intel(R) Arc(TM) A770 Graphics
Vendor ID : 00008086
Device ID : 000056a0
SubSys ID : 38881025
Revision : 00000008
AdapterLuid : 000000000000e390
Dedicated Video : 16256 MB
Dedicated System : 0000 MB
Shared System : 16306 MB
Total Memory : 32562 MB

Adapter 1 information:

Device Description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Vendor ID : 00001414
Device ID : 0000008c
SubSys ID : 00000000
Revision : 00000000
AdapterLuid : 000000000000e6fe
Dedicated Video : 0000 MB
Dedicated System : 0000 MB
Shared System : 16306 MB
Total Memory : 16306 MB

F3D Resource Type Memory Usage:

RenderTarget/UAV: 00557246 KB
DepthTarget/UAV : 00091157 KB
Texture/UAV : 00182962 KB
Immutable : 00000588 KB
Texture : 00419311 KB
Vertex : 00133552 KB
Index : 00038476 KB
Buffer : 00132130 KB
Shader : 00093695 KB
Descriptor : 00000000 KB
CommandList : 00000000 KB
Unknown : 00000000 KB

Total : 01649117 KB (Max: 01649121 KB)

f3dGPUHeap Information:

GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Capacity: 4.000 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Used: 0.008 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.008 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 3.992 MB

GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Capacity: 124.000 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Used: 2.072 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap High Water Mark: 2.072 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 121.928 MB

GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Capacity: 32.000 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Used: 0.574 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.574 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 31.426 MB

frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Capacity: 2.000 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Used: 0.092 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.092 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 1.908 MB

frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Capacity: 4.000 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Used: 0.289 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.289 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 3.711 MB

***END F3D CrashDump Handler***"


0 Kudos
New Contributor I


Not sure to open a new thread about problems with *.4314!?

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hi Carlos,

WRT to my previous issue that you asked about, the tech support team at Frontier Developments have been in touch and asked me to try a few more scenarios for them - specifically trying the game in its windowed and borderless mode, turning all of the graphics settings down to the minimum settings, and trying to run the game in a lower resolution than 1080p, none of which improved matters. I had shared a link to the thread on these forums, so they could see what had been discussed so far.

Their summary is as follows:-

"Thanks for getting back to us.

This doesn't appear to be an issue we can solve in the short term - you appear to have already gone through most of the steps that we would suggest, either with us or via Intel. I suspect this is some kind of conflict between Elite Dangerous and the Intel ARC GPU, as it's less common than AMD or Nvidia GPU's, but we cannot identify exactly where this conflict lies. 
As such, I've escalated your report of this issue to our QA team. While there is no due date as to when this investigation will be completed, please rest assured that we are looking into it.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please let us know if you have any other queries."
WRT to the issue that this thread specifically addresses I would like to thank exc0munnicated for sharing his crash report, and it's good to know that other Elite Players are using the Arc gpus!
0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Looks like I have a crash dump file too - when I initially looked at it there was no human readable text, but seeing the above info prompted me to scroll a little further down, where the legible text was to be found:-


***BEGIN F3D CrashDump Handler***


F3D Crash Log:

ID3D12 Warning: Non-S_OK HRESULT 0x887A0005 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) at: G:\TeamcityWork\47698f043e3b55d\FGDK4\Src\Core\f3d\_private\f3dDevice\f3dFrequencyQuery_DX11.cpp(155), Function: GetData

Optional ID3D11 Remove Reason: 0x887A0006 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG)

F3D Status:

fHeapVirtualStore: 0 / 0 MB

Adapter Information: 2 Adaptors found.

Adapter 0 information: (Active):

Device Description: Intel(R) Arc(TM) A750 Graphics
Vendor ID : 00008086
Device ID : 000056a1
SubSys ID : 10218086
Revision : 00000008
AdapterLuid : 000000000000c11d
Dedicated Video : 8096 MB
Dedicated System : 0000 MB
Shared System : 16302 MB
Total Memory : 24398 MB

Adapter 1 information:

Device Description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Vendor ID : 00001414
Device ID : 0000008c
SubSys ID : 00000000
Revision : 00000000
AdapterLuid : 000000000000c49e
Dedicated Video : 0000 MB
Dedicated System : 0000 MB
Shared System : 16302 MB
Total Memory : 16302 MB

F3D Resource Type Memory Usage:

RenderTarget/UAV: 00789166 KB
DepthTarget/UAV : 00118667 KB
Texture/UAV : 00222541 KB
Immutable : 00000588 KB
Texture : 00439111 KB
Vertex : 00133552 KB
Index : 00038476 KB
Buffer : 00132089 KB
Shader : 00093695 KB
Descriptor : 00000000 KB
CommandList : 00000000 KB
Unknown : 00000000 KB

Total : 01967885 KB (Max: 01967888 KB)

f3dGPUHeap Information:

GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Capacity: 4.000 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Used: 0.008 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.008 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 3.992 MB

GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Capacity: 124.000 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Used: 2.072 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap High Water Mark: 2.072 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 121.928 MB

GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Capacity: 32.000 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Used: 0.574 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.574 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 31.426 MB

frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Capacity: 2.000 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Used: 0.028 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.028 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 1.972 MB

frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Capacity: 4.000 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Used: 0.105 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.105 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 3.895 MB

***END F3D CrashDump Handler***

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

np Steve, yeah we need Intel as 3th player on the market.

I will also support other graphics cards from Intel.


Greetingz from Germany

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Good evening,

I downloaded and installed driver version this evening.

I can confirm that elite still crashes on startup:-


F3D Crash Log:

ID3D12 Warning: Non-S_OK HRESULT 0x887A0005 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) at: G:\TeamcityWork\47698f043e3b55d\FGDK4\Src\Core\f3d\_private\f3dDevice\f3dFrequencyQuery_DX11.cpp(155), Function: GetData

Optional ID3D11 Remove Reason: 0x887A0006 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG)

F3D Status:

fHeapVirtualStore: 0 / 0 MB

Adapter Information: 2 Adaptors found.

Adapter 0 information: (Active):

Device Description: Intel(R) Arc(TM) A750 Graphics
Vendor ID : 00008086
Device ID : 000056a1
SubSys ID : 10218086
Revision : 00000008
AdapterLuid : 000000000000c116
Dedicated Video : 8096 MB
Dedicated System : 0000 MB
Shared System : 16302 MB
Total Memory : 24398 MB

Adapter 1 information:

Device Description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Vendor ID : 00001414
Device ID : 0000008c
SubSys ID : 00000000
Revision : 00000000
AdapterLuid : 000000000000c499
Dedicated Video : 0000 MB
Dedicated System : 0000 MB
Shared System : 16302 MB
Total Memory : 16302 MB

F3D Resource Type Memory Usage:

RenderTarget/UAV: 00789166 KB
DepthTarget/UAV : 00118667 KB
Texture/UAV : 00222541 KB
Immutable : 00000588 KB
Texture : 00444571 KB
Vertex : 00133552 KB
Index : 00038476 KB
Buffer : 00132089 KB
Shader : 00093695 KB
Descriptor : 00000000 KB
CommandList : 00000000 KB
Unknown : 00000000 KB

Total : 01973345 KB (Max: 01973348 KB)

f3dGPUHeap Information:

GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Capacity: 4.000 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Used: 0.008 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.008 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 3.992 MB

GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Capacity: 124.000 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Used: 2.072 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap High Water Mark: 2.072 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 121.928 MB

GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Capacity: 32.000 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Used: 0.574 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.574 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 31.426 MB

frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Capacity: 2.000 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Used: 0.052 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.052 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 1.948 MB

frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Capacity: 4.000 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Used: 0.172 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap High Water Mark: 0.172 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 3.828 MB

***END F3D CrashDump Handler***


Best Regards,



0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hello all, Hello Steve


0 Kudos

Hi @Steve_NB, @exc0mmunicated

 Thank yo for all the information. Let me check this internally and I will post back with more details soon. 

Best regards, 

Carlos L.  

Intel Customer Support Technician.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Good Morning from Germany


Same with *.4335
Remember...last working version was *.4257




I can confirm that the issue exists with A770 16GB + driver (April 18, 2023) for Elite Dangerous Odyssey and Horizons, even when I connect my display to the motherboard's DisplayPort and attempt to run the game using the i5-13400's UHD Graphics 730. The mere presence of the Intel Arc card may be an issue.

Disabling the device using Windows's Device Manager and running the game on Microsoft's Basic Rendering engine (CPU-only, CPU usage 100% on all cores, 1-4 FPS) does work. It takes a few minutes, but the game gets past the 0% planet systems generation point that reliably crashes the game otherwise.


I just made an account because I wanted to say that I'm experiencing the same issue on my Acer Swift 314-511, Intel Iris Xe. Both Horizons and Odyssey works fine up till v. 4257, then crashes on Planet Generation screen at 0%. The legacy version of the game works. Also, I tried running the game in Safe Mode and it worked, but very slowly, and when I restarted into a normal Windows session it continued to crash the same way.

I'm glad to hear this issue is being looked in to, let me know if you would like any more information from me.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

I have this same problem.

I'm running on a brand new PC that I just built a few days ago with an Intel ARC A770 16GB LE video card.

Elite Dangerous crashes to desktop before it even loads.

Currently using Driver 4314

I am not even able to get to the games main menu to change any in-game settings.

Furthermore, the game appears to be attempting to load the game at a much LOWER resolution... like 720p or lower... then it crashes, always just as it gets to Planet Generation at 0%.


Please let me know if you would like any additional info from me on this... 

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hi Nazrex,


thank you to you and the others for sharing. I am hopeful that the more people who come forwards with this will encourage Intel to bump the priority.


Are you able to confirm if you can get Elite to work with the earlier driver version


That is the latest version that I can get to work with Elite. Providing a link to it below in case you haven't tried it yet.


Intel® Arc™ & Iris® Xe Graphics - BETA - Windows*


Thanks again,


and Best Regards,



0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hi Steve.


I was able to get the game to load to the main menu screen with Driver 4257.


However it loaded at 1280 x 720 resolution, in Windowed Mode, at 50'ish something hz Refresh.


I was able to go into Options, and change it to my usual 2560 x 1440.. 


However, as soon as I attempted to change it from Windowed Mode, to Fullscreen mode...

My PC spontaneously rebooted.
