Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC
Community support and discussions on the Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC (Intel® CS for WebRTC).
1148 Discussions

LocalStream->Close() Cause program stuck


I use the Windows client of version 4.2, which has two clients a and B. A creates a conference room, B joins the conference room of a, and then leaves the conference and repeats this action for more than three times. My problem is: when a leaves the conference, close the locally created stream (localstream - > close()), and then my program is stuck, unable to close the client! I have observed that the local audio and video are still occupied and cannot be released. I guess it is caused by this problem! Is this a bug? Please help me! Thank you!
我使用的是4.2版本的window客户端,有两个客户端a和b,a创建一个会议室,b加入a的会议室然后在离开这个会议并且把这个动作重复2次以上,我的问题出现在:当a离开会议,关闭本地创建的流(LocalStream->Close() ),然后我的程序就卡住,无法关闭客户端!我观察到本地的音视频还在一直被占用无法释放,我猜测就这个问题造成的!这是一个BUG吗?请帮我!谢谢!

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