Intel® DevCloud
Help for those needing help starting or connecting to the Intel® DevCloud
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As mentioned in features of intel VTune one can also test Python code, how can I test this using the


I just like to share some first impressions after my registration.

The link you refer to the dev cloud is confusing, since it does not tell me how I can test your oneAPI toolkit using the dev cloud. So I think it would be helpful to have a linkt to as well, giving an overview of all possible options (was quite difficult to get to this link).


My intenstion to register for the dev cloud was to test Intel® Distribution for Python and Intel® VTune™ Profiler. Both are part of the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit.

How can I test them separately? Since just in Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit are examples using python, but unfortunately no VTune.

One more important question: As mentioned in features of intel VTune one can also test Python code, how can I test this using the dev cloud?


Looking forward hearing from you

Best regards

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3 Replies



Good day to you.


Thanks for posting in Intel Communities and sharing your valuable feedback with us.


>> The link you refer to the dev cloud is confusing, since it does not tell me how I can test your oneAPI toolkit using the dev cloud. So I think it would be helpful to have a link to as well, giving an overview of all possible options (was quite difficult to get to this link).


The link or which you are referring to is an overview page that gives users an idea about the different development environment offered by Intel DevCloud. There are two Intel DevCloud environments available, one is Intel DevCloud for the Edge and Intel DevCloud for oneAPI. The overview page gives you a bigger picture of these offerings.




If you click on "Work with oneAPI" link present in the overview page, you are taken to the main page of Intel DevCloud for oneAPI where, you have tabs to navigate as shown below:



Anyways we will be providing this feedback to the internal team to improve the visibility as per your suggestions.


>> My intenstion to register for the dev cloud was to test Intel® Distribution for Python and Intel® VTune™ Profiler. Both are part of the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit. How can I test them separately? Since just in Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit are examples using python, but unfortunately no VTune. 


There are multiple ways to connect to Intel DevCloud for oneAPI. You can click on the "Documentation" tab as visible in the above screenshot to navigate and see the options to connect to Intel DevCloud for oneAPI. To get started quickly, we recommend "Connect with JupyterLab" option which is present at the bottom of the "Get Started" page as given below:



Regarding Intel Distribution for Python query, there are different pre-defined virtual environments based on different frameworks in Intel DevCloud and you can choose any of the environment as per your workloads or even create a new virtual environment as per your needs using conda as per conda's documentation (Managing environments) on a terminal window. All of the pre-defined environment comes with Intel Distribution of Python pre-installed.


Regarding Intel VTune Profiler query, all Intel oneAPI toolkits are pre-installed in Intel DevCloud for oneAPI, therefore the same user guide available for Intel VTune Profiler for Linux can be followed for performing profiling of binaries/codes in Intel DevCloud for oneAPI. See the below links to help you get started with this:


We do not explicity mention Intel VTune samples on Intel DevCloud for oneAPI page but all samples available for Intel VTune profiler should work fine for analysis on Intel DevCloud. The matrix sample which is widely used for Intel VTune Profiling is present in the directory: /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/samples of Intel DevCloud. 


>> One more important question: As mentioned in features of intel VTune one can also test Python code, how can I test this using the dev cloud?


You can profile a python code using Intel VTune Profiler on Intel DevCloud for oneAPI using the below command where you need to specify python before the python code name to inform vTune that you are running a Python analysis:


vtune -collect <collection_type> -- python <file_name>.py

E.g.: vtune -collect hotspots -- python


Do note that there are some limitations to Intel VTune profiling on Python code which you can refer in the link:


Hope this addresses your queries. If so, kindly click the “Accept as Solution” button to indicate that your issue is resolved. This will also help others with a similar issue.


Thanks and Regards,

Jyothis V James




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Good day to you.

We have not heard back from you.

Hope our previous reply was clear to you. If yes, do let us know or click the “Accept as Solution” button to indicate your query has been addressed. 

If not, do get back to us so that we can assist you better.

Thanks and Regards,

Jyothis V James

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Good day to you.

We have not received any response from you. Intel will no longer monitor this thread. If you need further assistance, please post a new question.

Thanks and Regards,

Jyothis V James

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