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I noticed that almost all python packages are outdated in conda, and I have to update them my self while using the notebooks. Is there a possibility where they just keep the packages updated for us?
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Thanks for reaching out to us.
Are you using intel channel to download the packages?
Also, could you please share few packages that you tried to install.
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Could you please share the above mentioned details.
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Sorry for the late response. Yes I used the Intel channel to download.
I tried installing torchvision and torch, and after it did, I couldn't import torchvision because
the required version of PIL was 7.0 and Intel has 4.0.
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We are forwarding this case to Engineering team.
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Hi Martin
This is Ying from Intel python support team. Thank you a lot for your reports. we also noticed the issues for a while. It may be because Intel python own one old validation matrix and release product . so keep old one. We released a new version 2020.1 recently. you are welcomed to try it.
We will try our best to keep the version with latest version.
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Dear all,
We have new version 2020 update 2 release in conda repo , where we update the package version. If possible, please try it and let us know if any issues.
About the PIL and PyTorch problem here, as intel contribute pytorch by pyTorch channel directly. so we just use the PyTorch channel by default . I suggest to use
>conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
to install pytorch.
for example, i try today,
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done
- cudatoolkit=10.2
- pytorch
- torchvision
The following packages will be downloaded:
blas-1.0 | mkl 6 KB
cudatoolkit-10.2.89 | hfd86e86_1 365.1 MB
libtiff-4.1.0 | hc7e4089_6 668 KB
libwebp-base-1.1.0 | h516909a_3 845 KB
ninja-1.10.0 | hc9558a2_0 1.9 MB
olefile-0.46 | py_0 31 KB
pillow-6.2.1 | py37hd70f55b_1 632 KB
pytorch-1.5.1 |py3.7_cuda10.2.89_cudnn7.6.5_0 424.3 MB pytorch
torchvision-0.6.1 | py37_cu102 11.7 MB pytorch
Total: 805.2 MB
cudatoolkit pkgs/main/linux-64::cudatoolkit-10.2.89-hfd86e86_1
libtiff anaconda/cloud/conda-forge/linux-64::libtiff-4.1.0-hc7e4089_6
libwebp-base anaconda/cloud/conda-forge/linux-64::libwebp-base-1.1.0-h516909a_3
ninja anaconda/cloud/conda-forge/linux-64::ninja-1.10.0-hc9558a2_0
olefile anaconda/cloud/conda-forge/noarch::olefile-0.46-py_0
pillow anaconda/cloud/conda-forge/linux-64::pillow-6.2.1-py37hd70f55b_1
pytorch pytorch/linux-64::pytorch-1.5.1-py3.7_cuda10.2.89_cudnn7.6.5_0
torchvision pytorch/linux-64::torchvision-0.6.1-py37_cu102
Proceed ([y]/n)?
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