Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
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Error raised in OpenVINO Demo Test




I'm new to OpenVINO and I need your help. I'm trying to run the demo (demo_squeezenet_download_convert_run.bat) after the installation and path setting. However, I came across some problems when the code ran into -> Build Inference Engine samples using MS Visual Studio (MSBuild.exe).


Here's my hardware information and OS:

CPU: Intel(R) Xeno(R) W-2133 CPU

OS: Windows 10 x64

I've followed the steps in the installation guide and installed:

1 openvino_toolkit_p_2019.3.334

2 visual studio 2015

3 Cmake  3.9.3

4 Python 3.6.5


Please check the attachment for the error, I have just copy the initial few parts of the error raised in ext_base.hpp for the list of error is quite long and all happened in the same solution (ie_cpu_extension\ie_cpu_extension.vcxproj). It seems that everything just crashed when the codes ran into ext_base.hpp. By the way, I have tried to change the version of Openvino and Python but all got the same error.


I will very appreciate it if you can give me any suggestion on that. Thank you in advance.




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1 Reply

Hi HJ,

When you installed VS2015 did you select the c++ package? If you just install VS2015 without customizing your install to select the c++ package then by default it comes without it and you can get such error.

Refer to this document - - Step 2. Install the dependencies:

Microsoft Visual Studio* with C++ 2019, 2017, or 2015 with MSBuild.

If this doesn't fix, try to download and install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.

Reboot the system to get the environment variables set properly.

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