Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1285 Discussions

Can you please help us with getting the licenses for this software from Intel (PO 4800062374)? The reseller is Digi-Key. The users have been down since Monday at midnight. Someone at Intel needs to send us the licenses.


I’ve been trying to track down these licenses since Friday morning because our temp licenses were going to expire on Monday midnight. I made several phone calls and/ or sent several emails to Kate Pruitt (the buyer) and Central Software Receiving (Sherry Birdsong). Kevin Commander (engineering manager) finally received the activation codes yesterday. Kevin and I spent a couple of hours yesterday creating an account according to the instructions sent by Digi-Key to try and activate the licenses so we could download the license file. We were simply unable to do so; the vendor’s website is not helpful and no matter what we try, we both see the error: You may have been logged out or you do not have the necessary permissions to access this page.


I have also called and emailed multiple times folks the POCs at Digi-Key (Delaine Anderson and Ashley Sullivan), POCs at GovSmart (Brenna Reilly, Cullen Cargille) with no luck. My chat sessions with DigiKey have been fruitless too. And there has been no response from DigiKey as of this morning.


When we purchased licenses directly from the vendor in the past, the license file was automatically emailed to us. We have been waiting for these licenses for the last 2 months and we still don’t have them.


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Welcome to INTEL forum. Apologies for the difficulty you have. From the error message, my guess that you can’t log in to Self-Service Licensing Center link.

Kindly follow the steps below to complete the registration process for FPGA access.

1.   Click on this link

2.   Click the Register now for an individual account

3.   You will be brought to the registration form. Fill in the first name, last name, business email address and username.

4.   You should be able to see the error message “Email is already registered. Enter a new email or Sign In”. Please click on the “Sign In” link.

5.   You will be taken back to the FPGA registration form. The form will be updated with your profile, please enter additional info required to register for FPGA account.

6.   Complete the form and the FPGA basic access will be added into your <login_id> account.

7.   Login again and you should be able to see Intel FPGA links within My Intel > My Tools. For example the Self-Service Licensing Center link.

8.   Done.

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