Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
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I am getting licensing errors on the VIP suite. I received a new license for these IP modules in August but it appears the license keys are out of date. I need help updating the licenses.


Warning (292015): License for core "Chroma Resampler" (6AF7_00B1), version 2017.11 is expired.

Warning (292015): License for core "Interlacer" (6AF7_00DC), version 2017.11 is expired.

Warning (292015): License for core "Color Plane Sequencer" (6AF7_00C9), version 2017.11 is expired.

Info (115030): Assembler is generating device programming files

Info (115017): Design contains a time-limited core -- only a single, time-limited programming file can be generated

Warning (210042): Can't convert time-limited SOF into POF, HEX File, TTF, or RBF

Error (210039): File P:/Projects/G5IR/coulson/synth/output_files/coulsonTop_time_limited.sof contains one or more time-limited megafunctions that support the Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature that will not work after the hardware evaluation time expires. Refer to the Messages window for evaluation time details.

Info (210040): SRAM Object File P:/Projects/G5IR/coulson/synth/output_files/coulsonTop_time_limited.sof contains time-limited megafunction that supports Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature -- Vendor: 0x6AF7, Product: 0x00B1

Info (210040): SRAM Object File P:/Projects/G5IR/coulson/synth/output_files/coulsonTop_time_limited.sof contains time-limited megafunction that supports Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature -- Vendor: 0x6AF7, Product: 0x00C9

Info (210040): SRAM Object File P:/Projects/G5IR/coulson/synth/output_files/coulsonTop_time_limited.sof contains time-limited megafunction that supports Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature -- Vendor: 0x6AF7, Product: 0x00DC



Error: Quartus Prime Assembler was unsuccessful. 1 error, 6 warnings

Error: Peak virtual memory: 5536 megabytes

Error: Processing ended: Thu Feb 07 17:46:02 2019

Error: Elapsed time: 00:01:31

Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:01:30

Error (293001): Quartus Prime Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 3 errors, 1428 warnings

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2 Replies
Hello May I know, have you re-generate your license file? If not, Kindly regenerate license file in Self Service Licensing Center and Only the license administrator can re-generate the license file. Guidance: Intel FPGA Self Service Licensing center --> Licensing Center Home --> Computer and License Files --> Select a computer to generate a new license file.
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Hi. I have a similar problem in Quartus. I have 4 licences, one of them is the the FPGA VIP license. This VIP licence I removed from the received dat file (done before the expire date) when a License Renew request is done.
The same situation is (after license expire date) but now by giving a License Regenerate request is done.
What can be done?
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