Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1219 Discussions

OpenCL kernel for a DE10-standard board via OpenCL SDK Windows 7: no top.sof file

New Contributor I

I am trying to compile OpenCL kernel for a DE10-standard board via OpenCL SDK Windows 7 using the command:



C:\intelFPGA\18.0\hld\board\de10_standard\test\hello_world\device>aoc -o bin\hello_world.aocx -board=de10_standard_sharedonly -v -report



It outputs as in the attachment.


Apparently it cannot find a top.sof file

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8 Replies
New Contributor I

Does the Quartus 30 days trial license allow to compile OpenCL project?


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Hi, top.sof is generated during OpenCL compilation, can you check the "bin/hello_world/quartus_sh.log" to see where did the compilation stopped ? You may want to check the requirements specified by Terasic in user guide. "DE10-Standard OpenCL User Manual" Thanks, Arslan
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New Contributor I

Hi Arslan,

thanks for your reply.

Please find the log file attached.


I followed the instructions contained in "DE10-Standard OpenCL User Manual".

As I wrote, my concern is about the Quartus license. On page 13 of the document, paragraph 2.2 License Installation, it is written:

"An Quartus license is required to compile OpenCL project. Users can purchase the license from

Intel. A file named “license.dat” will be given upon purchasing Quartus license."

I am afraid this could be the issue.

I am using a low cost entry level FPGA board and would like to evaluate OpenCL programming.




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Hi ALex,


You definitely need a Quartus License to compile.

With OpenCL version 16.0 you will need License for both OpenCL and Quartus.

However with Quartus version 18.0 you only need Quartus License.




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I don't think it is due to the License issue. With latest compiler you don't need a separate License for OpenCL. Ref: PAge2. Also linking back your other thread here Thanks, Arslan
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Valued Contributor III

A Quartus license is definitely required for compiling OpenCL kernels but this problem does not seem to be related to license. I see a lot of unnatural warning in the log:


Warning (332174): Ignored filter at top.sdc(22): altera_reserved_tck could not be matched with a port or pin or register or keeper or net or combinational node or node File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 22 Warning (332049): Ignored create_clock at top.sdc(22): Argument <targets> is not an object ID File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 22 Info (332050): create_clock -name {altera_reserved_tck} -period 40 {altera_reserved_tck} File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 22 Warning (332174): Ignored filter at top.sdc(23): altera_reserved_tdi could not be matched with a port File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 23 Warning (332174): Ignored filter at top.sdc(23): altera_reserved_tck could not be matched with a clock File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 23 Warning (332049): Ignored set_input_delay at top.sdc(23): Argument <targets> is an empty collection File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 23 Info (332050): set_input_delay -clock altera_reserved_tck -clock_fall 3 [get_ports altera_reserved_tdi] File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 23 Warning (332049): Ignored set_input_delay at top.sdc(23): Argument -clock is not an object ID File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 23 Warning (332174): Ignored filter at top.sdc(24): altera_reserved_tms could not be matched with a port File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 24 Warning (332049): Ignored set_input_delay at top.sdc(24): Argument <targets> is an empty collection File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 24 Info (332050): set_input_delay -clock altera_reserved_tck -clock_fall 3 [get_ports altera_reserved_tms] File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 24 Warning (332049): Ignored set_input_delay at top.sdc(24): Argument -clock is not an object ID File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 24 Warning (332174): Ignored filter at top.sdc(25): altera_reserved_tdo could not be matched with a port File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 25 Warning (332049): Ignored set_output_delay at top.sdc(25): Argument <targets> is an empty collection File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 25 Info (332050): set_output_delay -clock altera_reserved_tck -clock_fall 3 [get_ports altera_reserved_tdo] File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 25 Warning (332049): Ignored set_output_delay at top.sdc(25): Argument -clock is not an object ID File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 25 Warning (332174): Ignored filter at top.sdc(31): fpga_button_pio[0] could not be matched with a port File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 31 Warning (332049): Ignored set_false_path at top.sdc(31): Argument <from> is an empty collection File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 31 Info (332050): set_false_path -from [get_ports {fpga_button_pio[0]}] -to * File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 31 Warning (332174): Ignored filter at top.sdc(32): fpga_button_pio[1] could not be matched with a port File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 32 Warning (332049): Ignored set_false_path at top.sdc(32): Argument <from> is an empty collection File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 32 Info (332050): set_false_path -from [get_ports {fpga_button_pio[1]}] -to * File: C:/intelFPGA/18.0/hld/board/terasic/de10_standard/test/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top.sdc Line: 32


I think the problem is likely related to a bad BSP or a bad BSP installation. I would have recommended to try Terasic's older v16.0 BSP but then you are going to have use Quartus and AOC v16.0 and AOC v16.0 requires a separate license on top of the Quartus license.

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New Contributor I

In the quartus_sh_compile.log I attached, line 4138:

Warning (292011): Can't generate programming files because you are currently using the Quartus Prime software in Evaluation Mode.



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Valued Contributor III

Oh, I must have missed that one. The problem is certainly the license, then. It is probably best to contact Terasic and negotiate with them about obtaining a Quartus license.

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