Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1267 Discussions

Quartus II 14.1 - Licensing Problem "cannot read data from license server system"


I'm having an issue with License setup using Quartus 14.1 connecting to our licensing server. I am using 14.1 to support an existing design. We have some NIOS licenses on our server.

We are going through an IT migration so new laptop and have re-installed 14.1 onto it, and a new license server has been built.

When I enter the port and license server name I get this message. Quartus License Setup just displays the message " Searching... "

Warning (292000): FLEXlm software error: Cannot read data from license server system.  The license server system appears to be running, but is not responding.  If this persists, notify the System Administrator. (The license server manager (lmgrd) and vendor daemon processes should be terminated and restarted.) Hostname:      EPEUWWPLIC01 License path:  5000@EPEUWWPLIC01; FlexNet Licensing error:-16,287 For further information, refer to the FlexNet Licensing documentation, available at ""..

I am fairly certain the port is open, having tested this using Telnet and PowerShell from my laptop.

I'm looking for any advice on why the license server may not be responding or why Quartus can't see the license server ? 



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4 Replies



Welcome to INTEL forum. To further investigate could you provide

1) full report .log file

2) lmutil lmstat –a –c <port>@<server> in BOTH server and client machine.

3) Client machine OS use

4) screenshot of error message


For privacy, you can also reply/attach your file in private message.


Hi @AR_A_Intel here at the answers to your 4 questions

1) full report .log file

- attached

2) lmutil lmstat –a –c <port>@<server> in BOTH server and client machine.

Below is server, I can't do this for client machine

lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2018 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.

Flexible License Manager status on Fri 7/31/2020 17:26

[Detecting lmgrd processes...]

License server status: 5000@E------LIC01

    License file(s) on E------LIC01: C:\flexlm\License.dat:

E------LIC01: license server UP (MASTER) v11.16.2

Vendor daemon status (on E------LIC01):

   alterad: The desired vendor daemon is down. (-97,121)


3) Client machine OS use

Win10, Quartus 14.1

4) screenshot of error message

- attached screenshot of licensing page, full error message is 

Warning (292000): FLEXlm software error: Cannot read data from license server system.  The license server system appears to be running, but is not responding.  If this persists, notify the System Administrator. (The license server manager (lmgrd) and vendor daemon processes should be terminated and restarted.) Hostname:      EPEUWWPLIC01 License path:  5000@EPEUWWPLIC01; FlexNet Licensing error:-16,287 For further information, refer to the FlexNet Licensing documentation, available at ""..


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Thanks for update. From lmutil lmstst, your alterad vendor daemon is not starting. Could you help re-confirm your license setup again? You need to set your LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to point to the license that Intel provide. c:\intel\license.dat or something similar.


2nd could you also ensure the port number. The port number is required for Windows systems and it should be outside of the 27000-28000 range and be unique on the machine. For example, 1800.

Please stop and restart the server after assigning port number. You need to allow the firewall access to the port number from both server and client machine. refer this to your license server admin


You can refer to link on how to set environment variable.  


You can also refer to the link below on Starting and Stopping the License Server 


Refer this following youtube for license setup.    


Hope this helps.

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We have not heard from you and I hope that my last note clears up this matter. I will now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

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