Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1277 Discussions

Quartus Pro (21.4 + 22.1 + 22.2) not loading, no splash screen


21.1 standard is and was working perfectly

21.4 pro was previously working + stopped working

When launch from win 10 machine, no splash screen is shown/present.   

No response from program + no active process in windows task manager.

Reinstalled 21.4 pro, installed 22.1 pro, 22.2 pro + same issue persist on 2 machines.

Using a third machine that hosts the float license, launching 22.2 pro produces same results.


Tried command line to see if errors exist and following occurred for map:




*** Fatal Error: Access Violation at 00007FFB96260000

Module: quartus_map.exe

Stack Trace:

  Other        0x7ffb9625ffff:

  Quartus          0xa0ded: KiUserApcDispatcher + 0x2d (ntdll)

  Quartus          0x9d143: ZwWaitForSingleObject + 0x13 (ntdll)

  Quartus           0x80fb: (mswsock)

  Quartus           0x54a2: (mswsock)

  Quartus           0x54f9: WSAIoctl + 0x199 (WS2_32)

  Quartus           0x4f48: GetAddrInfoExW + 0x1098 (WS2_32)

  Quartus           0x351a: WahInsertHandleContext + 0xd1a (WS2_32)

  Quartus           0x5eab: GetAddrInfoW + 0x38b (WS2_32)

  Quartus           0x37d4: getaddrinfo + 0xc4 (WS2_32)

  Quartus          0x88d62: gaVzqkdEPRZstJgb0WsLs9PGYd3o + 0x1f2 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0xc0895: ppC0Rs6_1tKx + 0x1f5 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0xc07aa: ppC0Rs6_1tKx + 0x10a (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x90c04: gHTeEP7sI4fsxP + 0x2f4 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x908d7: mAujjkBnCCAYmBfL8hEHVf + 0x107 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x903e0: bVoZQMbbD + 0x130 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x9052b: cvobLzCSuNTeCA7dX + 0x11b (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x91ac0: xZUBq6zG7RwH1bcr_z60oV + 0xb0 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x7640e: dPl8upva1ZyPa18Y7qEvu + 0x2fe (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x767dd: lc_get_config + 0x5d (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x2b576: cpt_flexlm_check_license_server + 0x136 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x2d65f: cpt_flexlm_prune_license_servers + 0xf7 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x2bd0e: cpt_flexlm_determine_license_file + 0x28e (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x2d103: cpt_flexlm_init + 0x1a3 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus           0xa8c0: CPT_FLEXLM_MGR::CPT_FLEXLM_MGR + 0x950 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x11cc1: CPT_FEATURE_MGR::CPT_FEATURE_MGR + 0x1a1 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x13574: CPT_ELEMENT_MGR::CPT_ELEMENT_MGR + 0x74 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x19299: CPT_MANAGER::init + 0x2a9 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus          0x174e2: CPT_MANAGER::get_cpt_mgr + 0xa2 (sys_cpt)

  Quartus           0xd169: `dynamic initializer for 's_using_dev_license'' + 0x9 (db_cut)

  Quartus          0x1e472: _initterm + 0x42 (ucrtbase)

  Quartus         0x387aed: dllmain_crt_process_attach + 0x99 (db_cut)

  Quartus         0x385faf: <lambda_d4d69f2568ad6818b29bf35fa68297b1>::operator() + 0x1f (db_cut)

  Quartus         0x38628d: quartus_dllmain + 0x2d (db_cut)

  Quartus          0x19a1c: RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast + 0x11c (ntdll)

  Quartus          0x6c2f6: LdrGetProcedureAddressEx + 0x2d6 (ntdll)

  Quartus          0x6c089: LdrGetProcedureAddressEx + 0x69 (ntdll)

  Quartus          0x6c10f: LdrGetProcedureAddressEx + 0xef (ntdll)

  Quartus          0x6c10f: LdrGetProcedureAddressEx + 0xef (ntdll)

 Quartus          0x6c10f: LdrGetProcedureAddressEx + 0xef (ntdll)

  Quartus          0xd407c: LdrInitShimEngineDynamic + 0x3a8c (ntdll)

  Quartus          0x74dea: LdrInitializeThunk + 0x1da (ntdll)

  Quartus          0x74c72: LdrInitializeThunk + 0x62 (ntdll)

  Quartus          0x74c1d: LdrInitializeThunk + 0xd (ntdll)





0 Kudos
10 Replies

Just to be sure, could you check whether the hardware and software requirement are met?


It is weird that you mention that the Quartus work previously and do not work later on.

Few things that you can try out:

1) If you are running antivirus software, try to temporarily disable the antivirus software

2) Run or Install Quartus with Administrator privileges

3) Uninstall the Quartus and make sure there is no leftover file in the folder, then reinstall the Quartus

4) Check with your IT team to see if there is potential software that might be block it from opening


fyi, the current Quartus Pro released version is 22.4. I recommend to get it if you plan to reinstall.


Best Regards,

Richard Tan


p/s: If any answer from the community or Intel Support are helpful, please feel free to give best answer or rate 9/10 survey.


0 Kudos

Do you able to resolve the issue?

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

0 Kudos

Trying the latest 22.4 did not help

Uninstall, Running and re-installing with elevated privileges' did not help.


IT at my company is pretty slow.  

Looks like I have Win 10 20H2 installed and being an older patch, am wondering if this is the issue.  Double checked and the other machines tested have the same version.

I am also working to get IT to halt virus scanners as they do not give us that ability.


0 Kudos

Please work with the IT to check on this.

Could you try to kill any background apps that is running behind, and also Quartus, then try to open it again.

Does it work in Virtual Machine?

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

0 Kudos

Any update from the IT?

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

0 Kudos

IT just approve win10-21H2 to be distributed last week.   Will receive update by end of month.  Found a co-worker which received update and quartus pro looks to load on their machine now.   Still waiting on my end.

0 Kudos

Good to know that's success case in other machine.

Do let me know once you are able to run Quartus successfully in your machine.


Best Regards,

Richard Tan


p.s. Please do expect delay in response due to the coming lunar new year.


0 Kudos

Any update from your side?

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

0 Kudos

As we do not receive any response from you on the previous question/reply/answer that we have provided. I now transition this thread to community support. Please login to, view details of the desire request, and post a feed/response within the next 15 days to allow me to continue to support you. After 15 days, this thread will be transitioned to community support. The community users will be able to help you on your follow-up questions.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

p/s: If any answer from the community or Intel Support are helpful, please feel free to give best answer or rate 4/5 survey.

0 Kudos

Quartus Pro is finally working.


Issue isolate to Windows 10 20H2 not being compatible with Quartus Pro.

After having Windows 10 21H2, Quartus Pro starting working again.  


Thanks for all the support.


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