Intel® FPGA University Program
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1175 Discussions

Error: Generator program - Introduction to the SOPC Builder

Honored Contributor II

I'm trying to follow the Introduction to the SOPC Builder tutorial.  


My first time through the tutorial I managed to get the nios system built but when I tried to assemble the system in Quartus I received an error about a missing signal. I thought the error must be in the nios system so I went back and tried again.  


Now I can't seem to get past generating the nios system. 

# 2009.11.09 11:41:58 (*) Running Generator Program for cpu 

Error: Generator program  

for module 'cpu' did NOT run successfully. 


I'm using: 

Altera SOPC Builder 9.0sp2 Build 235 

Quartus II Version 9.0 Build 235 06/17/2009 SJ Web Edition with Service Pack 2 installed 


I've attached the sopc file if that is any help 


Thank you
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Isn't there any more detail in the SoPC generation window regarding the error? Look through the entire log. 


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Honored Contributor II

I just generated the system on my machine without error. My first suspicion is that you've somehow managed to get your project folder or files write protected and that SoPC builder cannot regenerate the files. 


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Honored Contributor II

Thank you for the quick reply. 


I figured the error was some how with the Quartus/SOPC Builder setup so I went into the lab and tried it. The build worked fine in the lab so I uninstalled/installed and the build now works. 


On page 16 the tutorial instructs on to "Add this file and all the *.vhd files produced by the SOPC Builder to your Quartus II project". It seems to me that nios_system_inst.vhd should not be added. 


I have completed the compilation and I'm moving on.
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