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1193 Discussions

Problem Compiling new Projects with Quartus DSE SSH via Windows Terminal


Hi, we are compiling quartus projects via SSH using cmd commands in the Windows terminal. In this case, we are using the quartus-dse command.

Everything was working fine because we had been compiling a project that was compiled before with Design Space Explorer's Graphical User Interface, but then, when we tried to compile another project that hadn't been compiled previously in the GUI it completely ignored the SSH arguments and compiled it localy. For example, when we tried to compile a project with this command  (I found all those arguments in the .dse file generated by the gui program when we compiled another project, but changed the paths and filenames) :


quartus_dse --time-limit 24h0m --auto-discover-files on --host --revision FIUADY_SEG7 D:/Pedro/FIUADY/Servicio/Quartus/FIUADY_SEG7/FIUADY_SEG7.qpf --ssh-farm-args=auto_discover_files=True`auto_overwrite_project=False`compile_flow=full_compile`existing_archive_path=`explore=seed`group_id=dse1`launcher=ssh`lsf_farm_args=error-file=srv/nfs/logs`initial-work-dir=home/lab/Codes/FPGA/FIUADY_SEG7`lm-license-file=2100@PC-Lab`local-remote-path-map=D:/Pedro/FIUADY/Servicio/Quartus/FIUADY_SEG7;/home/lab/Codes/FPGA/FIUADY_SEG7`quartus-rootdir=/opt/intelFPGA/21.1/quartus/`num_concurrent=100000`num_seeds=1`parallel_threads=0`save_results=all`seeds=1`skip_base_compile=False`ssh_farm_args=custom_ssh_port=22`farm_os=linux`hostname=`iwd=/home/lab/Codes/FPGA/FIUADY_SEG7`local_remote_path_map=D:/Pedro/FIUADY/Servicio/Quartus/FIUADY_SEG7;/home/lab/Codes/FPGA/FIUADY_SEG7`private_key=C:/Private_key/id_rsa.ppk`quartus_rootdir=/opt/intelFPGA/21.1/quartus`ssh_client=D:/Pedro/FIUADY/Servicio/plink.exe`user=lab`stop_after_timing_met=False`time_limit_value=24h0m`use_auto_gen_seed=True`use_existing_archive=False`use_new_archive=True`use_simple_compilation=False`use_time_limit=True`


And, the first time we ran the command, this was the output text:


Info: Processing started: Wed Oct 18 10:28:09 2023
Info: Archiving D:/Pedro/FIUADY/Servicio/Quartus/FIUADY_SEG7/FIUADY_SEG7.qpf revision FIUADY_SEG7 ...
Info: Job 1 : quartus_sh --ipc_json --flow compile FIUADY_SEG7.qsf
Info: Job 2 : quartus_sh --ipc_json --flow compile FIUADY_SEG7.qsf
Info: Explorer server: started.
Info: Starting seed sweep only exploration
Info: Revision: dse1_FIUADY_SEG7_base will be compiled on compute node: MSI-Pedro
Info: Revision: dse1_FIUADY_SEG7_1 will be compiled on compute node: MSI-Pedro
Info: Exploration Point dse1_FIUADY_SEG7_base reported: Registering self with server
Info: Exploration Point dse1_FIUADY_SEG7_base reported: Successfully registered with server.
Info: Exploration Point dse1_FIUADY_SEG7_1 reported: Registering self with server
Info: Exploration Point dse1_FIUADY_SEG7_1 reported: Successfully registered with server.
Info: Exploration Point dse1_FIUADY_SEG7_base reported: Starting compilation quartus_sh --ipc_json --flow compile FIUADY_SEG7.qsf


Saying that it would be compiled localy (since the bold text are my PC's  hostname and IP address) and it did, in fact, compile localy.


Then, we compiled it using DSE's GUI, and deleted the entire folder in which all the information from the compilation was stored in the server, then ran the exact same command again and it did it correctly in the server, as it can be read below:


Info: Files from a previous exploration of the same group name dse\dse1 already exist and are being deleted.
Info: Archiving D:/Documentos_Escuela/Servicio/Codigos2/FIUADY_SEG7.qpf revision FIUADY_SEG7 ...
Info: Job 1 : quartus_sh --ipc_json --flow compile FIUADY_SEG7.qsf
Info: Job 2 : quartus_sh --ipc_json --flow compile FIUADY_SEG7.qsf
Info: Job 3 : quartus_sh --ipc_json --flow compile FIUADY_SEG7.qsf
Info: Explorer server: started.
Info: Starting seed sweep only exploration
Info: Revision: dse1_base will be compiled on compute node: PC-Lab
Info: Exploration Point dse1_base reported: Registering self with server
Info: Exploration Point dse1_base reported: Successfully registered with server.
Info: Connected Successfully


We wanted to know if we are doing something wrong, maybe we are using some extra arguments that we don't need that are causing issues, or maybe there is some process that is made before the compilation when it is done using the gui that we have to make before running the quartus_dse command to work properly as we want.

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2 Replies


Have you followed the steps here to set up DSE II SSH on Windows OS?



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Have a great day!

Best regards,


p/s: If any answer from the community or Intel Support are helpful, please feel free to give best answer or rate 4/5 survey.

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