Intel® FPGA University Program
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1209 Discussions

SOPC builder NiosII adding hex[..][..] ports

Honored Contributor II

Hello Everybody 


Recently I focused my interest on Altera board: Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6. 

I am very beginner at the moment. 


In Quartus II I added to my system processor, On chip memory device, Key and Switch inputs , LED putputs (as PIO blocks). 


But dont know how to add led display. I know that I need to add HEX[7..0][6..] but dont know how. Should I use PIO also? 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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Recently I focused my interest on Altera board: Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6. 

I am very beginner at the moment. 


In Quartus II I added to my system processor, On chip memory device, Key and Switch inputs , LED putputs (as PIO blocks). 


But dont know how to add led display. I know that I need to add HEX[7..0][6..] but dont know how. Should I use PIO also? 


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Yes, you can use a PIO component. Each segment of the hex display is an LED. 


Once you get that working, you can decide if you want to use something a little more complex, where just 4-bits are needed for each display. I posted code at this thread that you can look at: 



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