Intel® FPGA University Program
University Program Material, Education Boards, and Laboratory Exercises
1211 Discussions

Using TSE MAC+ 88e1111 PHY on De2i 150 board to send data between FPGA and PC

Honored Contributor II

Hello everyone: 

I'm now trying to use TSE MAC+ 88e1111 PHY on De2i 150 board to send data between FPGA and PC,which needs run at a speed at least 200Mbps.  

Firstly,I used Terasic's Websever Demo which uses a Nichestack. But finally I found that it can only run at 100M ethernet mode. 

Then I tried to write a simple C program not using Nichestack to send Udp data to my PC.But I don't know how to configure the Mac and PHY register.Can anybody give me some instruction?
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II



I am not sure I understand what you are exactly trying to do, but this document ( how to use the Ethernet on that board. here ( also an example project. 


I hope that helps you to solve your issues. Let me know, how it goes. 



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Honored Contributor II

Thank you very much. I will have a try.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


I have tried what you mentioned above. Firstly I used .sof file to configure my FPGA,which is similar to the document you mentioned above.Secondly,I copied the tse_tutorial.c file to my Nios II project, then I made some changes to fit my appliciation 


volatile int * tse = (int *) 0x12042000; 

printf("%x",*(tse + 2)); 

// Initialize the MAC address 

*(tse + 3) = 0x116E6001; 

*(tse + 4) = 0x00000F02; 

// Specify the addresses of the PHY devices to be accessed through MDIO interface 

*(tse + 0x0F) = 0x10; 

//*(tse + 0x10) = 0x11; 

// Write to register 20 of the PHY chip for Ethernet port 0 to set up line loopback 

//*(tse + 0x94) = 0x4000; 

// Write to register 16 of the PHY chip for Ethernet port 1 to enable automatic crossover for all modes 

*(tse + 0x90) = *(tse + 0x90) | 0x0060; 

// Write to register 20 of the PHY chip for Ethernet port 2 to set up delay for input/output clk 

*(tse + 0x94) = *(tse + 0x94) | 0x0082; 

// Software reset the second PHY chip and wait 

*(tse + 0x80) = *(tse + 0x80) | 0x8000; 

while ( *(tse + 0x80) & 0x8000 ); 


printf("PHY reset over");  

But it seems that it failed to complete the Software reset the second PHY chip and wait . Can you tell me what i should solve this problem ?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



I will try to help you, but first please list your used FPGA, the board (I assume it is the DE2-115 from Terasic) and the used software version. 


Did you run the example project? Did it work? If you have not done that, can you please test that first? 


I am asking for this because I would do exactly the same, before starting to modify it. As soon as I know if that is the board you are using I can give it a try myself. 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


I used De2i-150board from terasic which contains a cyclone IV FPGA inside, there is only one 88e1111 PHY. My software version if Quartus II 13.0. 

I tried to run the example project ,But I need to do some changes first,the following is my code(difference with the example is only the registers configure ) 


# include <altera_avalon_sgdma.h> 

# include <altera_avalon_sgdma_descriptor.h> 

# include <altera_avalon_sgdma_regs.h> 


# include "sys/alt_stdio.h" 

# include "sys/alt_irq.h" 

# include <unistd.h> 


// Function Prototypes 

void rx_ethernet_isr (void *context); 


// Global Variables 

unsigned int text_length; 


// Create a transmit frame 

unsigned char tx_frame[1024] = { 

0x00,0x00, // for 32-bit alignment 

0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF, // destination address (broadcast) 

0x01,0x60,0x6E,0x11,0x02,0x0F, // source address 

0x00,0x2E, // length or type of the payload data 

'\0' // payload data (ended with termination character) 



// Create a receive frame 

unsigned char rx_frame[1024] = { 0 }; 


// Create sgdma transmit and receive devices 

alt_sgdma_dev * sgdma_tx_dev; 

alt_sgdma_dev * sgdma_rx_dev; 


// Allocate descriptors in the descriptor_memory (onchip memory) 

alt_sgdma_descriptor tx_descriptor __attribute__ (( section ( ".descriptor_memory" ))); 

alt_sgdma_descriptor tx_descriptor_end __attribute__ (( section ( ".descriptor_memory" ))); 


alt_sgdma_descriptor rx_descriptor __attribute__ (( section ( ".descriptor_memory" ))); 

alt_sgdma_descriptor rx_descriptor_end __attribute__ (( section ( ".descriptor_memory" ))); 




* This program demonstrates use of the Ethernet in the DE2-115 board. 

* It performs the following: 

* 1. Records input text and transmits the text via Ethernet after Enter is 

* pressed 

* 2. Displays text received via Ethernet frame on the JTAG UART 


int main(void) 

// Open the sgdma transmit device 

sgdma_tx_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_tx"); 

if (sgdma_tx_dev == NULL) { 

alt_printf ("Error: could not open scatter-gather dma transmit device\n"); 

return -1; 

} else alt_printf ("Opened scatter-gather dma transmit device\n"); 


// Open the sgdma receive device 

sgdma_rx_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_rx"); 

if (sgdma_rx_dev == NULL) { 

alt_printf ("Error: could not open scatter-gather dma receive device\n"); 

return -1; 

} else alt_printf ("Opened scatter-gather dma receive device\n"); 


// Set interrupts for the sgdma receive device 

alt_avalon_sgdma_register_callback( sgdma_rx_dev, (alt_avalon_sgdma_callback) rx_ethernet_isr, 0x00000014, NULL ); 


// Create sgdma receive descriptor 

alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_stream_to_mem_desc( &rx_descriptor, &rx_descriptor_end, (alt_u32 *)rx_frame, 0, 0 ); 


// Set up non-blocking transfer of sgdma receive descriptor 

alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_rx_dev, &rx_descriptor ); 


// Triple-speed Ethernet MegaCore base address 

volatile int * tse = (int *) 0x12042000; 


printf("%x",*(tse + 2)); 


// Initialize the MAC address 

*(tse + 3) = 0x116E6001; 

*(tse + 4) = 0x00000F02; 


// Specify the addresses of the PHY devices to be accessed through MDIO interface 

*(tse + 0x0F) = 0x10; 

//*(tse + 0x10) = 0x11; 


// Write to register 20 of the PHY chip for Ethernet port 0 to set up line loopback 

//*(tse + 0x94) = 0x4000; 


// Write to register 16 of the PHY chip for Ethernet port 1 to enable automatic crossover for all modes 

*(tse + 0x90) = *(tse + 0x90) | 0x0060; 


// Write to register 20 of the PHY chip for Ethernet port 2 to set up delay for input/output clk 

*(tse + 0x94) = *(tse + 0x94) | 0x0082; 


// Software reset the second PHY chip and wait 

*(tse + 0x80) = *(tse + 0x80) | 0x8000; 

while ( *(tse + 0x80) & 0x8000 ); 


printf("PHY reset over"); 


// Enable read and write transfers, gigabit Ethernet operation, and CRC forwarding 

*(tse + 2) = *(tse + 2) | 0x0000004B; 


alt_printf( "send> " ); 

text_length = 0; 


while (1) { 


char new_char; 

tx_frame[16] = '\0'; 


// Add new typed characters to the transmit frame until the user types the return character 

while ( (new_char = alt_getchar()) != '\n' ) { 


if (new_char == 0x08 && text_length > 0) { // Check if character is a backspace and if there is anything  


to delete 


alt_printf( "%c", new_char ); 



// Maintain the terminal character after the text 

tx_frame[16 + text_length] = '\0'; 


} else if (text_length < 45) { // Check if there is still room in the frame for  


another character 

alt_printf( "%c", new_char ); 


// Add the new character to the output text 

tx_frame[16 + text_length] = new_char; 



// Maintain the terminal character after the text 

tx_frame[16 + text_length] = '\0'; 


alt_printf( "\nsend> " ); 

text_length = 0; 


// Create transmit sgdma descriptor 

alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_mem_to_stream_desc( &tx_descriptor, &tx_descriptor_end, (alt_u32 *)tx_frame, 62, 0, 1, 1, 0  




// Set up non-blocking transfer of sgdma transmit descriptor 

alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_tx_dev, &tx_descriptor ); 


// Wait until transmit descriptor transfer is complete 

while (alt_avalon_sgdma_check_descriptor_status(&tx_descriptor) != 0) 


return 0; 



* Subroutine to read incoming Ethernet frames 


void rx_ethernet_isr (void *context) 

int i; 


// Wait until receive descriptor transfer is complete 

while (alt_avalon_sgdma_check_descriptor_status(&rx_descriptor) != 0) 


// Clear input line before writing 

for (i = 0; i < (6 + text_length); i++) { 

alt_printf( "%c", 0x08 ); // 0x08 --> backspace 


// Output received text 

alt_printf( "receive> %s\n", rx_frame + 16 ); 


// Reprint current input line after the output 

alt_printf( "send> %s", tx_frame + 16 ); 


// Create new receive sgdma descriptor 

alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_stream_to_mem_desc( &rx_descriptor, &rx_descriptor_end, (alt_u32 *)rx_frame, 0, 0 ); 


// Set up non-blocking transfer of sgdma receive descriptor 

alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_rx_dev, &rx_descriptor ); 




But it seems that it failed to complete the Software reset the second PHY chip and wait . Can you tell me what i should solve this problem ?  

I don't whether I have made you understand my problem.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi sorry I did not have anything new on your issue. I did not have the time to take a close look at it. As soon as I have something I let you know.

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